Chapter Four

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The rest of the week went on without anything out of the ordinary happening. The Lawrences held another dinner party and attended a card party at the Smithson's the next evening. At each event, Rosalind became even more quiet and withdrawn as Miss James openly flirted with Mr. Goldman.

Sunday passed quietly. It rained again, keeping Emily and Rosalind trapped inside Lawrence Manor. Sir Percival hovered around Emily in the Drawing Room until she finally took refuge in the one place she had never seen the man enter: the library. There she stayed all afternoon, half hidden behind the curtains.

"Our Cousin Percy is looking for you," Rosalind announced, entering with a candle. She squinted in the dim light. "It is nearly almost dinner time. How can you read with it so dark in here?"

"Cousin Percy is always looking for me," Emily responded, stretching her arms with a yawn. "I actually wasn't reading. I was napping. I have no need for a light to accomplish that."

"Your father is in a temper now," Rosalind warned, moving around the room to light a few of the candles. "He doesn't like you avoiding Cousin Percy."

"Of course he doesn't," Emily responded with a sigh. "However, I am much happier in doing so." She peered up at her cousin. "What about you, Rose? Are you happy?"

"What a question that is! I assure you, I am fine, Emily," Rosalind assured her. "Now come down to dinner."

Groaning, Emily put her book down. "I'm coming," she said, getting to her feet. "Lead the way."

She and Rosalind walked down to the dining room. "There you are," Mr. Lawrence said, scowling as they entered. Smiling, Emily went to her place at his right hand. Her father coughed violently and then demanded, "Just where have you been hiding, Emily?"

"I was reading in the library, Father," Emily answered honestly. "It seemed a perfect day for it."

"Read? Do you do anything but read?" Sir Percival asked.

"On occasion, yes," Emily answered calmly. "I ride my Lady, or I walk with Rosalind when the weather is good."

"My dear husband always said he didn't like seeing a girl with a book," Mrs. Lawrence announced from the foot of the table. "It gives them ideas of things they have no business being concerned with. Rosalind, let that be a lesson to you."

Biting her lip, Rosalind simply nodded. "That I do not agree with, Mrs. Lawrence," Mr. Lawrence snapped. "My Emily will read if she wants." As Emily started to smile in relief, he looked back at her. "Only not when there is company in the house. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Emily responded meekly. She frowned as her father began to cough again. "Are you feeling well, Father?"

"I do not need you to fuss, girl," Mr. Lawrence snapped irritably.

Lowering her head, Emily caught Rosalind's eye. They shared a shrug as the meal began.


As her father had instructed, Emily steered clear of the library the following day. Sir Percival rode out with Mr. Lawrence during the morning, but stayed in the Manor during the afternoon. However, when Hendricks announced the arrival of Miss James, he was quick to vanish from the room.

Looking up from her embroidery, Emily groaned. "Again?" she asked in a low voice. "This makes three times in three days. Well, four times if you count the card party."

"Be nice, Emily," Rosalind hissed as the young woman entered the room. "I know you are capable of doing so."

"And here you are looking so industrious, Miss Lawrence," Miss James exclaimed, going to Emily's chair. "Is it not perfectly dreadful how it is raining again today? I had hoped for a glorious ride, but it was a foolish dream."

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