Chapter Fourteen

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Emily and Rosalind traveled separately to London, each with their respective aunt. It was nearly a week before Emily could escape Mrs. Lawrence to visit Rosalind. Immediately abandoning her sewing, Rosalind hugged her cousin tightly.

"Has it been that bad?" Emily asked, pulling free.

"No, not bad exactly," Rosalind answered, sitting down. Emily took a seat opposite her. "Aunt Amelia has been very kind."

"You miss being in the country, don't you."

Smiling sadly, Rosalind nodded. "London has its highlights, and I am glad to see it again," she said. "However, I miss having a large flower garden to pass my time in, and being able to see for miles without having a building interrupt the view."

Sitting by her, Emily nodded. "I understand," she said. "It took almost two weeks before I became accustomed to London. Have you been anywhere yet?"

"No," Rosalind answered. She lifted her thread and needle. "Cousin Percy is here."

Instantly, Emily scowled. "Why?" she asked. "I would think he would want to make sure everything is in order at Lawrence Manor."

"According to Aunt Amelia, he is looking for a bride," Rosalind explained with a smile. "I think he has finally given up on you, Emily."

"Well, its about time," Emily complained. She frowned. "Though I am not sure what I shall do now. He put around that I was practically engaged to marry him. What will everyone say or think when he marries someone else?"

"When have you ever cared what people thought about you?" Rosalind asked, laughing at her. "I imagine they will all think you are well rid of him. It will only be a matter of time before all those gentleman you told me about are interested again."

Emily shook her head, fingering the fabric of her gray dress. "I don't care about that," she said. She grinned with sudden mischief. "How soon before Cousin Percy has a wealthy and very ill tempered heiress as a wife?"

"You should not say such things!" Rosalind exclaimed, unable to keep from laughing.

Leaning forward, Emily took her cousin's sewing and examined the work. "Now, look what you have done," she chided. "You have pulled the thread too tight."

Still chuckling, Rosalind swiped it back. "I will do what I like with my sewing, Emily," she responded. She set it aside and became serious. "How are you, Emily?"

"Oh, sometimes I think I am fine," Emily answered with a sigh. "And then there are other times when all I can think about is Father being gone."

"Do you still blame yourself?"

Hesitating, Emily shrugged her shoulders in a shrug. "It varies," she admitted. "Most of the time, I know I cannot be to blame for Father's heart condition. Then, when I am at my most down, I cannot help but feel that my actions made it worse." She took a deep breath and changed the subject. "Have you seen Lord Evan yet?"

Rosalind shook her head. "No. But, as I said, I have not been anywhere yet."

"Aunt Lawrence says I will not go anywhere for the full mourning period," Emily said. "I think she just does not want to take me into society because she will not take the effort and so I will realize the mistake I made by refusing Cousin Percy."

"Is it working?"

"Well, other than the fact that I have to look after her awful dog, the quiet is welcome," Emily replied with a laugh. "And you were right, Rosalind. Small dogs are annoying creatures."

"I told you so," Rosalind said smugly. "And it's not just small, lap dogs. All dogs are trouble."

Putting her hand up, Emily shook her head. "I will never go that far," she said. "I like dogs."

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