Chapter Ten

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It was well past noon when Emily woke up. She laid in her bed for several minutes, her gaze on the windows. She watched the clouds pass in front of the sun, and then she came to a decision. She rose and tugged on the bell rope. She set about getting changed.

A maid brought up a tray of food for her. After she'd dressed in a walking gown, Emily sat on the edge of her bed and consumed her breakfast. As soon she finished her meal, she tied on her bonnet and left her room. In going down the hallway, Emily hesitated in front of Rosalind's door, but then hurried on. Rosalind wouldn't approve of this venture, that was certain. She left Lawrence Manor without being seen by any of her family.

Smiling at the warm breeze that brushed her face, Emily walked across country. While her walk was determined, she was by no means ignorant of the beauty of the spring day. She knew it would not be long before the heat of summer took over.

As she drew closer to her destination, Emily slowed her pace. At the gates leading to Waverly Place, she almost turned back, hesitating for the briefest of moments. She took a deep breath and pressed forward. "It was my doing," she said out loud to herself. "I have to make amends."

Emily had almost reached the front door when a horse and rider came around the stables. Recognizing the brown horse, Emily paused and lifted her hand in a wave. "Miss Lawrence," Mr. Williams called out, his tone surprised.

Smiling, Emily waited for the man to dismount. A groom ran up to take charge of the horse. Mr. Williams walked over to join her. "What are you doing here?" he asked in open puzzlement. "Is your cousin not with you?"

"I wanted to apologize for having to leave you so abruptly last night," Emily told him simply. "It was unforgivably rude of me."

Mr. Williams shook his head. "Your father wanted to speak to you. It was understandable," he answered. He glanced around and his servants scrambled to get back to work. "Would you care to take a turn around the gardens?"

"Yes, thank you," Emily answered, accepting his arm. For a few moments they walked in silence. "Lord Evan didn't ride out with you?" Emily finally asked. She smiled. "Was our country ball too much excitement for him?"

"West had to return to London early this morning," Williams explained. "An urgent matter had arisen in his affairs. It was necessary for him to handle it himself."

Emily nodded in understanding. "Rosalind mentioned he was the head of his family since his father died, much like you are, I believe," she said. She paused to admire a bloom, slipping her hand away from his arm to caress the soft petals. "She will be sorry to hear that he has gone."

"He regretted having to go without taking leave of either of you, but he had no choice as the letter arrived only this morning and there was no time to wait," Williams said. He reached out and plucked the daisy. He offered it to Emily. "For you, my dear Miss Lawrence."

Smiling, Emily accepted the bloom. "Will he be back?" she asked. She blushed a split second later. "I'm sorry. I should not have asked that."

"I would be bewildered if you didn't, as a Miss Lawrence who fails to question everything is not the Miss Lawrence I am acquainted with," Williams told her with a laugh. "And yes, I believe West will be back, though not until the end of the Season."

Nodding, Emily looked up at the sky and smiled. "I love days like this. Everything seems peaceful and right in the world." Williams' hand closing around hers made her turn her gaze to him. There was a sad look on the man's face. "Is there something wrong, sir?"

"If only things were different," Mr. Williams said, almost to himself. He shook his head. "You should return to your home. Your family doesn't know you are here, do they?"

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