Chapter Seven

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Upstairs, Emily found her father in the middle of a hearty breakfast. He looked up as she came into the room. "Emily, I have been informed me that we are at Waverly Place," he said. He coughed harshly for several seconds before he recovered himself. "Please tell me I misunderstood."

"Its true, Father," Emily answered, going to his side. She took a seat on the edge of the bed. "You have been here for almost a week now. Mr. Williams found you unconscious on his property and was kind enough to allow you to stay while you were ill."

At her words, Mr. Lawrence shoved his tray away. "I wish to leave immediately," he said, his tone a mix of anger and disgust.

Startled, Emily picked up the offending tray and set it aside. ""Dr. O'Connor said you were not to leave that bed for another few days. Now, allow me to send for him and when he comes, he can give you his opinion. Until then, you are going to stay exactly where you are. Its for our own good, Father."

"I will not stay in this house," her father reiterated firmly. "I will not be beholden to that man!"

Taking his hand, Emily shook her head. "Father, you are being unreasonable," she told him. "You know you are feeling unwell still."

"I am feeling perfectly capable of returning to my own home, Emily," Mr. Lawrence informed her sharply. He made a move to get up from the bed and then fell back against his pillow. "But send for O'Connor if you must. He will see this from my point of view."

"I will do so at once, father," Emily said with a relieved smile. "Mr. Williams will send word immediately."

Her father eyed her with suspicion. "I don't like the thought that you have been in that man's company, Emily," Mr. Lawrence told her. "To think that your aunt and cousin would allow this to go on is astonishing. Are they ill themselves?"

Emily dropped her gaze, focusing on the window coverings. "They protested very strongly, Father," she replied honestly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her father's expression harden. "Indeed, they have both tried to convince me that you did not require my care. They even induced Mr. Goldman to their cause."

Mr. Lawrence sighed. "I am relieved and disappointed to hear that I have no one to blame for this foolish recklessness but you," he said, his tone becoming weary. "Your loyalty to me is a fine thing, Emily, but really you have gone too far this time."

His eyes were drifting closed. "But tell me why," Emily pleaded, turning to face him. She shook her head as she saw him fall asleep. "That would be far too easy for you, wouldn't it?"


True to her word, Emily requested that Mr. Williams send for Dr. O'Connor. However, she waited until the following morning to do so. Her father seemed more recovered by then and had become more vocal in his demands to be allowed to leave.

It was just after luncheon when the doctor arrived. Tensely, Emily waited with Rosalind, Lord Evan, and Mr. Williams in the library. She momentarily forgot her anxiety when Rosalind and Lord Evan became involved in a very serious debate on the best growing environments for roses.

"I tell you roses need to be kept sheltered," Lord Evan said firmly. "They are fragile."

"And I have it on the best authority that roses are hardy little pants," Rosalind responded, just as steadfast as the gentleman. "They can survive despite the harshest of circumstances."

"How long do you think they can keep this up before they come to a compromise?" Williams asked, looking over at Emily with undisguised amusement.

"A compromise? Never!" Emily answered, in pretend horror. "I would say Rosalind will yield first, for that is her nature, but she knows this subject as well as any expert botanist." She grinned at the man. "Your friend will have to give way."

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