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Four months later

From the window, Emily could see the leaves on the trees were bright with the colors of autumn. "You look lovely, my dear," Emily's grandmother said. She stood back from her granddaughter. "Williams is a lucky gentleman."

"Thank you, grandmother," Emily responded, turning from the window to look at her reflection in the mirror. Her dress was all white, trimmed with silver lace. She reached up and drew the veil down over her face. "I only wish I could have been married in Ambershire."

"All your friends are here," Mrs. Harris told her cheerfully, "and that is all that really matters in the end. Shall we see if Rosalind is ready?"

Nodding eagerly, Emily turned to the door and walked to it. On the other side of the hall, Rosalind was just stepping out. She was dressed in a similar dress, though tiny pearls decorated her bodice.

"Emily, you look beautiful!" she exclaimed instantly.

"So do you!" Emily replied. Carefully, they hugged each other. "Oh, I am going to miss you."

Under her lacy veil, Rosalind smiled somewhat tearfully. "Evan says we will be visiting each other so much it will be like we have two homes instead of one," she said. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Nervous?"

"Me?" Emily answered with a laugh. "Oh, yes."

Mrs. Harris made a quick check of Rosalind's dress. "Enough chatter from you two," she chided. "We do not want to be late getting to the church."

The cousins started for the stairs. Down in the foyer, Mr. Harris waited. "Emily, Rosalind, you both look lovely, he said on seeing them. He held out his arms. "Now, I know two young men who are waiting for you."

"You and Mrs. Harris have been so kind to me," Rosalind said, accepting his left arm. "I can never thank you enough."

"You are Emily's cousin and best friend, therefore you are family," Mr. Harris responded, escorting them out to the waiting carriage. He assisted them both in. "I expect both of you to visit soon."

Both girls nodded and smiled. They clutched each others hands as the carriage set off.


The small country church was filled with people. There were the Smithsons from Ambershire; also Mr. Goldman and his new wife, though neither looked very happy. Of Mrs. Lawrence or Sir Percival there was no sign. Half of the guests were the friends of Williams and Lord Evan. The remaining ones were new friends Emily and Rosalind had made while staying with the Harris'.

Proudly, Mr. Harris escorted his granddaughter and Rosalind down the aisle. The two couples were married with no interruption. The entire party returned to Everson Park for the wedding breakfast.

Soon came the moment for the newlyweds to depart. Emily and Rosalind embraced each other, both fighting tears and promising to write. Lord Evan and Rosalind left first on their way to Westwood Park, Lord Evan's estate.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked as the carriage set off. "You never told me."

"First, Waverly Place," Williams answered, taking her hand. "And then, Italy. I have a notion to show you the wonders of Rome."

Sighing, Emily leaned against his shoulder. "You will spoil me," she warned. "But it sounds absolutely wonderful."

"It will be, Mrs. Williams," Williams promised. He leaned down and kissed his wife.

Emily's Choice (Rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now