Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The second half of his day wasn't all that bad. His favorite class of the day, Physics, consisted of learning about potential energy. It was really interesting. Everything gravitationally positioned had potential for kinetic energy, whether an object was on top of a hill or hanging upside down.

Yuu figured that class would be even better if Shinoa wasn't in that class and his seat partner. Nothing against her or anything, she just proved to be a... distraction, at times.

But as enjoyable as Physics was, the last bell of the day made him feel that rush of relief that he had survived another day of the Academy. The achievement wasn't anything special in itself, considering he had many more to go through until graduation in June, but at least it was something. Baby steps.

Yuu's driver was already waiting for him in the pickup loop when he headed out the school castle- er, school building. Just like the ride there, the ride back was just as quiet.

Getting home meant he could have the rest of the evening to himself, which is exactly what he liked. Although occasionally it got lonesome, Yuu enjoyed his solitude. He was more often present in his own thoughts than in reality, anyway. Unfortunately, this afternoon was not one to relax and unwind from the day's events; he had fencing practice at five that evening. This meant he could not be a typical teenager and idly procrastinate on his homework until late that night, it had to get done within the next hour.

Of course, he technically could push back the assignments until after practice, but he had other plans for that evening. Yuu had decided he was going to go into the city again to find Mika.

An exhilarating rush washed over him and he shivered. It was a long shot, seeing if Mika would be at the pub again, but he had a feeling Mika was there a lot.

With thoughts of the exciting blonde clouding his mind, Yuu forced himself to focus on his Japanese homework. It was annotating an article about some global issue that occurred thirty years ago. Yuu probably would've found it more interesting if he wasn't forced to thoroughly write down rhetorical strategies and summarize every paragraph. 

Yuu wondered if newsworthy issues like this were blown out of proportion. He figured in order for people to sell their newspapers and articles they'd have to make it exciting to read, right? Without the fear or sympathy for people, the stories aren't interesting enough to make a profit.

After he got the boring annotations out of the way, Yuu was able to focus on the assignment he enjoyed the most; physics note-taking. Of course, most people thought taking notes was the most boring thing on the planet, but Yuu was fascinated by the subject.

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that the total energy of the isolated system remains constant over time. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, instead is transformed into different kinds of energy....

Yuu got lost in the notetaking, hunched over his desk and probably setting himself up for back problems in his adulthood. His cotillion teacher would be extremely disappointed at his lack of good posture, but Yuu was too busy flying through his assignments to care.

He heard a knock that interrupted him from his math workbook. Not exactly sure if he was imagining things, he crept down the escape room stairs, through the secret passageway, and towards the bedroom door. "Come in," Yuu called to the person behind the door. It was Shiori, holding a pressed fencing outfit, with white folds of fabric perfectly creased.

"Pardon the intrusion! Your fencing lesson with Shinya-san in fifteen minutes, Yuichiro-sama," Shiori alerted him in a quiet voice, poking her head inside.

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