Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

A/N: I wrote this within the course of my school day so I doubt it's very good. I wasn't exactly sure where I wanted to go with this chapter, but from here on out, I have everything else planned! Yay for quick updates!

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Yuu's leather shoes felt like thousand-pound weights as he descended the staircase that led to the foyer. As his hand trailed across the polished railing, he looked for his parents, expecting them to be standing there with a shotgun, barrel pointed between his eyes, ready to blow his head off.

By the time he got down the stairs, he saw no such gun. No parents, either.

Yuu wasn't dumb; he knew he shouldn't feel relieved just yet. He straightened his tie and ran his hands through his mussed-up hair before creaking open the ballroom doors.

Already he heard the soft melody of the piano accompaniment practicing the wedding tunes, filling the room with a swaying sound; soaring on the chromatic scales, before floating back down on the decrescendos. Yuu saw his father first (it was hard to miss him, considering his all-powerful aura practically dominated the room), standing by his throne, his hands clasped in his lap and talking to Kureto Hiragi. His wife was by his side, his arm wrapped around her waist protectively.

They didn't see Yuu walk across the ballroom until he was practically in front of them. "Good evening, Father, Hiragi-denka," He said when they acknowledged them, bowing his head respectfully.

"Good evening," King Ichinose nodded dutifully. "Now that you have arrived, Yuichiro, we can commence the practice. Kureto, if you will take your daughter and prepare for the walk." King Hiragi complied, and he took Shinoa's arm in his, leading her to the entrance and disappearing around the corner. Yuu followed behind them, his heart jumping when Shinoa gave him a dirty look as she passed by.

"Let us begin!" King Ichinose clapped his hands. "Places, everybody!"

Yuichiro straightened up in his spot, rounding the corner just as the music began to play. He walked with confidence (even though on the inside all he wanted to do was run and hide under his covers), pretending to smile at the hundreds of guests that would be seated in the benches of the church they'd be wed at. He silently counted to himself Left, right, left, right, keeping the proper pace that was in tempo with the music.

When he ascended the steps to the platform, his parents rose to their feet. Yuu faced the empty ballroom, imagining the hundreds of faces that would be staring at him. It made his heart beat faster anxiously, but it calmed him somewhat to know he'd be leaving this stupid life forever before that could ever happen.

That is, he added as an afterthought, If Mika does show up as according to plan.

The music stopped, which was Yuu's cue to bow down and get on one knee. The high bishop of the church would then deliver a speech and crown Yuu with the replacement crown, thereby naming him the Prince of Drelacia and the valid ruler of the southern region.

However, the crown would not be ready until the morning of the ceremony, so the bishop pretended to set the crown on his head and Yuu rose to his feet, making a cross with his hand before facing the crowd.

The music turned sweet again, a soft melody that reminded Yuu of honey and cream. Shinoa came around the corner, one hand linked around her father's arm and the other clutching the bouquet of roses. If Yuu watched carefully enough, he could see her hand shaking from nerves.

Their eyes met, and Yuu could still see her eyes were red from crying. Shinoa's eyes narrowed for the slightest moment, but then she put on a dazzling smile as she unlatched herself from her father and took Yuu's hand. Yuu noticed how clammy hers felt, and it still shook nervously. Yuu clutched her hand tightly to stop it from shaking, giving her a flat look, as if to say You better not say anything.

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