Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

As invigorating as dancing for hours may be to Yuu, there was something else, some greater feeling that came from sitting under the stars. It wasn't fast paced or thrilling at all- in fact, it was something completely different altogether. He felt at peace, like he could melt away into this moment in time and be fine with it.

Again, he seemed to lose track of time, and Yuu felt the panic rising up in his chest. He sat up quickly, reminded of where he was and who he was, and his first instinct was to go.

"What's wrong?" Mika looked up, hearing the shift when Yuu moved. He was threading dandelion stems together, making what looked like a flower chain. Yuu noticed his hands were shaking, and he wondered if that was from the precision necessary to make the chain or if he was nervous for some reason.

Of course he wouldn't be nervous, Yuu thought, brushing the comical idea off quickly. Nervous of what? Me? As if. Thrown off by the idea, he felt confused to the point where he couldn't properly speak a cogent thought.

"I have to-" Yuu's voice came out strangled, like the words were lodged in his throat. "-go," They said at the same time.

"Of course you do," Mika said, half disappointed, half annoyed. He couldn't even get himself to smile. As if a switch had been flicked, his easygoing aura stiffened into one that was standoffish and detached. "Can'tcha stay a little while longer?"

"I don't know," Yuu mumbled. "It's late, and my parents-"

"Don't actually know you're out right now?" Mika guessed for him before he could finish his sentence. When Yuu nodded, he sighed. "Will they get upset if they find out you're gone?"

"Probably," Yuu shrugged a shoulder. "Although, I doubt they'd notice."

Mika turned to face him, eyes wide. "Then what's the rush? Do you have to go running off like Cinderella again? Because I don't exactly have a glass slipper to find you from. Also, I'm certainly no Prince Charming."

Embarrassed at what he mentioned, Yuu stared down into his lap. He certainly is charming, Yuu thought. Even if he doesn't see it himself. Sighing, he relaxed his rigid posture and propped his upper body up by putting his hands on the grass behind him. "Alright, you're right. I can stay a while longer."

"Great!" Mika sounded excited. He was done by his flower chain at this point, tying it together to make a crown. He placed the dandelion crown on his head, and Yuu couldn't help but blush at his appearance. He was grateful it was dark outside. "Because I forgot to show you one last thing. Don't worry, it's close."

He stood up, brushing the grass stains off his pants, and waited for Yuu to stand up as well. "Come on," He ushered, heading back down the hill, stopping to grab a honeysuckle, and walked towards the clearing again. Yuu stumbled behind him aimlessly, wondering what else was in store for him tonight.

After entering the clearing again, Yuu smiled upon taking in it's beauty. However, they weren't stopping there, but they instead turned left, heading towards the noise of the stream. This time, there was no clear opening to get out of the woods, and they had to push through thorns and sticks to get down to where the rushing water supposedly was.

The walk took longer than he thought, considering the noise of the stream was so loud, but it wasn't until ten minutes later that he realized there wasn't a stream at all.

Almost twenty or thirty feet high, a waterfall pooled into a beautiful, aquamarine body of water. It wasn't like the gentle, man-made kind of waterfall you could find in Yuu's castle garden, but the kind where the rapids of water moved so quickly they would knock you over. Under the moonlight, the waterfall sparkled and rippled in waves. It was tranquil from a distance, but as he gravitated closer, the sound became deafening.

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