The Long Journey to the New Flat

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Alfie's Pov

I'm so excited to move to London. It is a sign that I am growing up, leaving my parents' shadow and becoming a mature adult. Oh that is a terrible lie, I am moving in with the most immature person I know, and that is Caspar. I am finally relieved that I don't have to travel back and forth for meetings, no more taking trains to see friends, and the airport is closer. Also, I am free from Alice. I mean I love my twin but I depend too much on her. I sometimes make her do my chores, edit my videos, and drive me because I am to lazy to do it myself. Once I move I can learn how to be an independent man. My thoughts were caught off and I found myself in the dining room with a hand waving in my face.

"Alfie, hello! Is anybody there?" I heard the voice of my annoying but awesome twin sister.


"We are leaving now, the car is packed and I got some McDonald's for the trip. Also you need to say bye to everyone before you leave, I will be in the car." She said while throwing and catching her keys. Then she walked out.

"Let the tears begin." I mumble to myself. I walked out of the dining room to the living room to see my mum and dad, my sister Poppy and Sean her boyfriend, and Marcus and Nimbob talking to each other. Oh how emotional this will be.

Alice's Pov

"SOMETIMES IT LASTS IN LOVE BUT SOMETIMES IT HURTS INSTEAD!!!" I sang at the top of my lungs, I was basically waiting for Alfie for 10 minutes until I just got comfortable in my seat and started jamming to my favourite songs. Once "Someone Like You" by Adele ended I saw Alfie walking out of the front door and my friends and family saying "Goodbye".

"You took forever, I just got all comfy and cozy in the car." I said while Alfie was putting his seatbelt on.

"Well it is not my fault that my family and friends love me and don't want me to leave. I mean they each gave me a 2 minute goodbye speech."

"Well I mean you won't be living here, so I understand why it took a while. But on the other hand let's go, I want to see your flat and also our friends."
I said as I started driving.

-Time Skip-

Alfie and I left Brighton at 10:30 a.m, it is know 1:30 p.m and we just entered London. Our trip might've been shorter if we hadn't stop for Starbucks, a Nando's, and a stop for gas. Alfie actually sent majority of his stuff through mail a couple weeks ago. The boxes in my car are basically Alf's clothes and filming equipment.

"ALICE, LET'S GO SHOPPING!!!" Alfie screamed while shoving a camera to my face.

"But we are almost at the new flat." I said annoyed. I am tired and I just want to sleep in their guest room even though I just woke up 4 hours ago. I was going to say no until I saw the "twin u betta do this or I will kill ya" look Alfie was pulling. "Ok fine let's go shopping."

"YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!" Alfie yelled.

After about 2 hours of shopping, us twins got a lot of junk. We got some new clothes, candles, food, and some makeup for myself. We basically have a trunk full with the new purchases and boxes in it, and I am not planning to take anymore stops. When we are both buckled up, I started driving to the new flat. It is about 4:00 p.m and we were suppose to be there at 1:00 p.m, but I mean us Deyes are always late. After 15 minutes of driving we made it to their new flat. Since we don't have a moving van worth of Alfie's belongings, we were able to bring all the stuff to the flat. The long voyage to Alfie's flat, was terrible because of all the stuff I'm holding. But we finally made it to their door. Us twins both put down our boxes and bags at the same time, which I find kinda creepy. The elevator wasn't working so we took the stairs and now are exhausted. We took a minute to catch our breathe and actually be happy for the fact that we are at my brother's new home.

"You ready for what's inside?" Alfie asked.

"Let's see what Caspar has done to the place." I said still tired.

Alfie them pressed the doorbell and we waited for what awaits inside.

??? Pov

"They're here, I repeat the Deyes twins are here. Go hide."

(Read in a Pointlessblog/Alfie Deyes voice)
What's up guys! How is it going, hopefully it's well. Sorry if I wasn't able to update anytime sooner. I was busy with a project that I had to do in a day, since I procrastinated. I fell asleep at 2:30 a.m that day and woke up at 7:00 a.m. To make up for the time being tomorrow I will update this fanfic and I shall reveal my new fanfic with 2 chapters. I will also be updating both stories everyday starting on Sunday all the way to January 3. After that I will try to update everyday, but alternating fanfics. Well that's all for now, Good Bye!


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