Crossover pt 3

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Alice's Pov

So, the past two days might have been the best days I had in my life. On Tuesday night after Olivia introduced the guys of 1D me and Casp, everything got super loud and we almost got kicked out of the restaurant on how loud we were. During this dinner, Harry and his secret girlfriend, Sara, came 5 minutes late. As a jealous fangirl, I didn't like Sara at first, but after getting to know her, I discovered that she is an awesome girl. Also, after the dinner I managed to get 1D, their band, 5SOS, Sara, and Olivia's number and they all follow me now.

Yesterday, I hanged out with Olivia and Sara. The three of us became the three musketeers because we are now super close, we went shopping with each other, and we all now know each others deepest secrets.

For example, Olivia only subscribed to Luke's channel because she first thought he was cute, but eventually she fell in love with his voice and the band. Also, she has admitted that when she first met Luke, she instantly developed a crush on him because he was super nice, welcoming, awkward, shy, and cute.

Sara admitted that when Louis and Olivia first introduced her to One Direction, she was not attracted to Harry, but Niall. Sara began to develop feelings for Harry after a year they met. This is because she and Harry got stuck in an elevator for an hour and she got to know him better.

I told Olivia and Sara that I found Joe cute but I also told them that I don't really want to date him because our siblings are dating. Which is a big problem because if Joe and I break up then our siblings will be on our sides and fight. (Hint hint)

Caspar joined 5SOS, 1D, and their band for rehearsals and the first concert in Dublin. The reason why Sara, Olivia, and I were not at the concert is because we were watching Tangled and got to into it that we forgot about it.

Today to make it up to all of the guys, Sara, Olivia, and I are going to spend the whole day with them. That means watching their rehearsals, concerts, and in general their immature behaviour.

I woke up at 12 pm a text message from Olivia.

O: Wake up, u have 30 minutes to get change and eat then come to my room
A: Ok i gtg then c u later
O: C ya later

I jumped out of my bed and changed into my furry letterman jacket, a white top, black skinny jeans, and black vans. I spent 5 minutes on my makeup and grabbed my black bag. I also made sure that I had my phone, laptop, headphones, makeup wipes, and makeup in my bag. Before I left my room I grabbed a granola bar, apple, and a water bottle. I sprinted out the door and to the elevator to go to Olivia's room. I ran out of the elevator and knocked on Olivia's door. Olivia opened the door to let me in and I sat on her bed.

"Good Afternoon sleepy head!" Olivia exclaimed.

"How are you not tired, we went to bed at 3 am." I replied.

"You get used to staying up late and waking up early after living with guys who annoy until they go to bed and have to go to a new location for tour when you wake up." Olivia said.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked.

"In 15 minutes, the guys and Sara are already there." Olivia replied.

"Ok, can we go down to grab a Starbucks?" I asked.

"YASSSSSS, let's go!!!" Olivia exclaimed.

Olivia pulled my arm to get me off her bed and went down to the lobby to get a Starbucks.

"Hello, may I take your order?" the barista asked us.

"May I have a venti Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frap please." I ordered.

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