Gilbert and Matthew ran down the stairs the the foyer where the twins and their tutors waited.
"Ludi!" Gilbert yelled.
Ludwig looked up and Gilbert met him.
"Gil, Matthew told you?" Antonio said stepping up.
"You guys are going already?" Gilbert asked.
"Yes, the twins have to speak with their grandfather." Ludwig explained.
"Then it's time to party!!" Gil yelled.
"What?" They all said in sync.
"I want a party! We found the prince! And our grand Italian princes are here! Party! Party!"
"Yeah Ludi let's stay for a party!" Feliciano said excitedly.
"It's settled? I'll go open the ball room and send invites to whoever a close." Matthew said walking away.
"This is going to be AWESOME!!!!" Gil yelled dashing off.
"Well..... Guess we aren't going anywhere." Antonio laughed.
"Yeah, we get to be stuck in the dumb German castle and dance with potatoes..... Fan fucking tactic." Lovino rolled his eyes.
That's night there was a fantastic ball. Many men and women of Nobel persuasion arrived at the party of the return of the lost prince. There was dancing and singing and laughter all about. On the dance floor Lovino was swung around by his tutor. While at the buffet stood Ludwig and Matthew as the watched their others half a gorge themselves of fresh meats and fancy cheese.
The music slowed and Lovino and Antonio bowed as well as the other dancers as the rest of the room clapped. They walked off towards the buffet where Lovino stole some of his brothers food before getting a a winey. "Heeeeey." From his brother.
The music started up again and Gil finally stopped stuffing himself before taking Matthews hand and pulling him towards the dance floor. Feliciano danced up to Ludwig and looked up at him.
"Ludiiiii." He chimed. "Dance with me!" He said holding Ludwig's hand.
Ludwig smirked and sighed.
"Alright, alright.""Yay!" Feliciano pulled Ludwig to the centre of the room and the dance started.
"Is that good?" Antonio asked looking at Lovinos food.
Lovino looked up at Antonio who had big curious eyes and he hugged his food closer. He turned around and silently walked away.
"Loviiiii!" Antonio called out.
On the danced floor Ludwig was trying to teach feliciano the dance. Feli was having a bit of troubles.
"Ludi this is tricky." He said sticking his tongue out trying to pay attention to Ludwig's steps.
"Here." Ludwig stopped. "Stand on my boots." He said picking Feli up.
Feliciano put hit tiny feet on the big German boots and held onto his broad shoulders.
"Don't fall off." Ludwig warned.
He reached his strong arms around the young boy keeping him steady and he danced him around. Feliciano started to giggle as he was swung around.
The dance slowed and everyone around them switch partners. Matthew appeared with Gil and they switched around. Ludwig took Matthew and feliciano was taken away by Gil.
"Gil is going to really miss you." Matthew said.
"He'll be okay." Ludwig nodded.
"You should visit once in a while, he's really missed you, he's been looking forward to seeing you for a long time." Matthew explained.
"What do you mean?" Ludwig asked.
"Ludi.... Can't you imagine what it's been like for him?"
They looked over to Gilbert and feliciano who were dancing and laughing like children.
"He's given a baby brother that he is ready to teach play with and grow up with. Then in the middle of the night his baby brother and mother leave. Imagine the loss, abandonment and anger he must have felt." Matthew sympathized.
Ludwig looked angry but he was only confused. But he rested when he saw Matthews worried violet eyes.
"I haven't thought about it that way." Ludwig sighed.
"Don't beat yourself over it, Gilbert is strong, and he loves you. Just visit him, that's all he wants."
Ludwig smiled. "I will...... And Matthew."
Matthew lightly hit Ludwig's arm and smiled.
"What was that for?!"
"Sorry.... It's for saying sorry! That's my thing." He joked.
Suddenly feliciano hopped onto Ludwig hugging him tightly.
"Ludiiiii." He sung.
Gil put his arm around Matthew with a big smile.
"What are you two talking about?" He snickered.
"You." Ludwig said truthfully.
"Well of course, who else is worth talking about?!" The Prussian said excitedly.
Feli laughed and Ludwig rolled his eyes.
The next day it was time for the twins and their tutors to be off. Ludwig held their bags and everyone was hugging and saying their goodbyes. Gilbert walked up to Ludwig. Ludwig put out his hand to shake Gilbert's. Snowy King took it before pulling Ludwig in and hugging him making him drop everything.
"I'm gonna miss you bro." He smiled.
Ludwig paused but then slowly hugged him back.
"I'll come visit." He whispered.
"I know you will." Gilbert said letting him go. "Even stuck up Roderick visits me!"
They all laughed and smiled at one another.
"Well we'd better be off." Ludwig said picking up all the bags again.
"Behave you kids." Gil waved.
And with that the Italian princes and their tutors returned to their story leaving Gil and Matthew with a fantastic, memorable new one.
The Lost Prince
FanfictionIt's finally here. A "the princes tutor" x "the Italian Princes." Cross over. Gilbert learns that his baby brother is staying with king Roma and goes to find him. Will Ludwig return to Prussia to be the next heir to the throne or will he stay with F...