Chapter 7

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The caramel wolf backed a few steps back with it ears back, looking pretty afraid.

I let out an evil chuckle in his mind, freaking him out even more as I slowly walked up to him. He lowered his body, to prevent me from touching him. His tail was almost between his legs.

"Is the little alpha afraid?" I was just trying to get an reaction out from him, and I did. He stood up straight on his four paws and growled at me, as he showed me his canines.

I jumped onto his back and before he had reacted, he was down at the ground. Putting my paw at his neck and pressuring it a bit, to have him stay down at the ground as I looked over at the alphas.

They were stunned, wide eyed. Jim had his arms crossed over his chest, looking proudly at me. Josh was fighting a little laugh to stay inside of him, and not letting itself out.

"That was easy, easier than many rogues I've fought before," I said to the alpha underneath me's mind. He growled at me, trying to get up without breaking his neck.

I looked at the alphas, they all had widened eyes and half open mouths. Jim was looking at me, he was proud of me right now. Josh was fighting a smile to stay back as he gave me a thumbs up.

I walked over to them, leaving the caramel wolf on the ground. If he is smart enough- he wont attack me.

The two blonde alphas backed away a little bit. The dark haired - Trevor - coughed and tried looking confident, but I could see behind his covers how scared he was.

I turned around, to look at the caramel wolf, there was the man named Dan in a pair of pants. He had probably tied them onto his leg before he shifted.

The alpha named Trevor smirked at him, "Wow, Dan, are you really that weak?"

"Dude, she mind-linked me," Dan said and walked up to us, but made sure to be at least a meter away from me.

"Pfft, sure," Trevor said and rolled his eyes.

"He's not lying," I mind-linked Trevor. He jumped a little bit to the side, away from me.

He frowned at me, "How did she?-"

"As long as I've lived my mind-linking system has been fucked up," I told both of the confused alphas. They nodded, but was still looking at me weirdly.

Jim got confused to what was happening, "What?"

I walked into the forest again, to shift back. I was walking towards the tree when I heard some muffled voices talking.

Should I go there?

"Yes, I want to know what they're saying," Luceat barked. I started sneaking over to the voices, so that I could hear them better.

"Yeah, she's really here," a voice said. I instantly knew who it was when I heard the voice, Theo.

I peeked out a little from the bush I was standing behind, hoping that neither of them would see me or smell my scent.

Theo was talking to a she-wolf, she had brown hair and was a little shorter than him.

The girl held her hands on her hips as she spoke, "Are you sure?"

Theo nodded, "Yes! I am one-hundred percent sure!"

The girl sighed, "Well, I guess I'll come with you. But I can't stay for that long,"

Theo sighed and scratched his neck, "But it's really her, I swear!"

"Yeah, whatever," the girl said and gave him a sad smile.

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