Just like your brother?

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This is my first ever story and I am excited. Now imma shut my damn mouth and imma tell you a kickass story.

Update: Hello! I am back after literally years to inform all of you that I will be editing this series to make it better, and longer for you guys. Also, I am in desperate need of a co-writer who will help me write as well as create new stories to keep this account active. If anyone is interested, please message me separately!
-Cece R.


Finding jobs is one of the hardest things to do, with this growing and crazy economy and the people in it, job offers don't come easy. So naturally growing up, the best offer for me comes with changing diapers and watching bedtimes. Babysitting is my only option. Sure I can apply to my local Hot Topic, or even ironically, Justice, but that never works with my schedule of being a performer in my rock band, Rebel 5. Babysitting doesn't really work with my schedule either, but it's my easiest bet with getting money easily and also taking care of amazing babies and toddlers. So when my group decided to take a break to work on solo stuff and to also create more songs for our next album, I was more than happy when I got a phone call to babysit a little girl.

I looked up at the white, two storied house and sighed, grabbing my suitcases as I went up the stairs leading to the front door. Before I could knock, the door swung wide open, revealing a beautiful women with a pale face with blue eyes. "Oh, thank god you're here!" she said, pulling me in by the arm. "Hi...You must be Amy's mother?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded, her hair bouncing in a messy bun. "I'm just glad you're here." She said, it almost coming out as one large breath as she turned around and looked up the stairs. "We are almost late for our flight!" She yelled. "I'm coming." I heard, as her husband came down the stairs. He looked at me with a smile before moving past me to go outside and pull in my suitcases which were still sitting by the door. "It's great to have you here Skylar." He said. "And it's great to be able to babysit your beautiful baby girl." I said as the young girl came down the stairs.

She halted, her eyes going wide upon seeing me. "You are Skylar! You from Rebel 5!" she yelled. "Amy, honey, please use proper words." Her mother said. "She is only 3 years old, it's ok. At least she is talking." Her husband murmured. He looked at his watch and his eyes widened like saucers before he started to pull his wife by her hand out the door. "We have to go. Bye Skylar!!" he yelled as the two went down the steps towards a patiently waiting taxi. "Bye!" I yelled back and waved goodbye before closing the door behind me.

As the door closed, I felt tiny arms wrap around my legs and I looked down to see the small child hugging my legs. "I'm taller than you!" she said teasingly. I laughed a little at her cuteness. "I'm 6'0. But sadly, you are 6'2!" I replied playfully, bending down to tickle her. She laughed loudly before pushing my hands away. "Just like brother!" She chuckled. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't know what she meant by that but I decided to brush it off. I looked down at my watch before picking her up, and started walking upstairs. "It's getting late. It's time for you to go to bed. Show me where your room is." I said. "Ok!" She replied happily. I laughed and started walking down a long hallway and eventually carried her to a room she pointed to. Once I opened it, I gasped. There were posters on the wall of BVB, PTV, SWS, and my band Rebel 5. "You're a rock fan?" I asked as I walked towards her bed. "Mhmm!" she said yawning and nodding her head lazily. I put her in her bed and tucked her in before getting up to leave. "Skylar...can you sing song?" She asked, looking at with her big blue eyes. I smiled softly before sitting down next to her bed and softly singing one of my songs till she fell asleep.

Babysitting Amy (Andy Biersack Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now