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Michael stared at the photo imprinted on his phone screen.He couldn't help but feel like he was missing out so many opportunities.

He looked at the picture of the 3 lads with part of the cast of Star Wars.How he wishes he could have met them till.He won't even be out of hospital by the time the movie comes out.

He was laying silent in the hospital bed,the radio quietly playing beside him.He decided to pay attention to it,maybe to calm him down.

How funny.It was One Direction..Infinity to be specific..The lyrics made Michael sad and the minute the chorus hit him he couldn't stop the sobs.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart.

He couldn't help but think about Calum.Maybe Calum did help kick him out of the band but it didn't mean that he didn't love him any less.

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lie awake only hoping they're okay .

Maybe he should have put up a bigger fight.Maybe he should have refused to leave.But it was only fair.He was voted out.He had to leave.

Michael felt awkward.Humiliated.Ashamed

Alex was back.Standing at the foot of his hospital bed

"You promised"He muttered.Michael only shrugged.It was his life.

"You're coming back with us"With that Alex left the room,arms crossed.

He wanted to scream a no,and run away.Live alone.Be able to finally leave his life.

Instead he was left to live his life in torture.it was cruel almost,to make somebody in so much pain keep living his life in pain.Of course he wasn't in any physical pain if you don't count the occasional back aches from the guitar incident.It was the heartache and mental pain.The demons tearing him him apart until there was nothing left but a body.


Michael was back on the tour bus.Being constantly watched by somebody.He had no privacy anymore.His wrists,thighs,stomach and hips bandaged so tightly that he couldn't even scratch at the cuts and burns to get a release.

He was currently huddled into Jacks bunk hi thin body enveloping Michaels even thinner body as they slept.


Calum hadn't spoke to Luke in a week now.Ignored him every time he tried to apologise.

Nothing would make it right.Unless of course Michael spontaneously joined the band again,which of course was not happening.

They were at John Feldman's house for song writing where he overheard .

He overheard a conversation with Alex,about everything.The self harm,the rape,the nightmares,the anorexia.

Calum got sick.Literally.It was much too alike to the night that he found out about the abuse

It was the whimpering that caught Calum's attention.It sounded an awful lot like Michael.

But he couldn't be...no.Of course not.Not after the night they had together.

So with a lump in his throat he opened the door.

He only saw Luke first.That was until he saw him kicking somebody on the floor.


"Luke!What are you doing"Calum reacted fast pulling Luke of the boy before pinning him up against the wall

"That bitch deserves it.Fucked up our prefirmsnce"

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