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"Michael?"Alex asked confused seeing the boy in his arms.

"I found him on the balcony,he was saying some stuff"Calum was sitting on the edge of his bed rubbing his eyes tiredly."About self harm and stuff"

"He's not okay"Alex rubbed Michaels arm gently."and he's not going to be for a while"

"I never meant for t-"

"I know"

"You've kept him alive,you don't know how much I appreciate that"Calum told him.

"You guys really fucked up"

"I know"


Ashton was always a rather brother figure to Michael.Family doesn't end with blood and Ashton was the closest family Michael had.Even before the band even started Ashton was protective over the younger boy.He would always stick up for him against bullies and mean comments from peers.

When the band started and they became closer Ashton for even more protective.He made sure He knew wherever Michael was going,who he was going with.He took care of him when he was sick and every time he got injured especially when he got burnt.He made sure that it was properly bandaged and that he wasn't lying on the wrong side of Calum's chest.

Ashton remembers how hurt Michael was when he found out about the older boy's self harm.He was lost and confused even more than Ashton was himself.Michael would clean Ashton's wrists before once again avoiding the big unsure of how to take the pain.Ashton could see that it was breaking the boy,so he stopped.

When Michael was kicked out of the band it was almost like Ashton's heart had been ripped out.He didn't love the boy like Calum did,of course, but Michael was his little brother.He constantly had an ache of anxiety and sadness in his chest at the absence of the boy.He watched the boy break apart without being able to do anything and he realised that it's not too late to help.He will be the older brother again,if it's the last thing he does.


"Hey,bean"Ashton walked onto the balcony where Michael was after finally convincing Alex to leave the room.

"I brought you a beer"

The sun was beginning to set painting the sky in an ombré of pink and oranges.just like Michael loved.He looked up.

"Long time no talk,hey?"Ashton spoke placing the open bottle of beer infront of the boy curled onto the seat.

"Can I sit?"Ashton asked gesturing to the seat at the table beside the small boy.Michael hesitantly nodded.Michael gently squinted and the beer on the table.Ashton took a sip of his own.it was silent for a few moments.

"I'm sorry"Ashton started "I'm so sorry"He cried placing his beer down,putting his arms on his slap and covering his face with his hands.

He sniffles a few times before a gently hand was placed on his shoulder.His Head quickly whipped away from his hands slightly startling the boy.

"Sorry"he gently whispered.Michael only shrugged curling up again on the seat,this time slowly taking a sip of his beer.Ashton smiled.

"I know this is a lot to ask for"Ashtom started again"But I really want you know that you can thrust me.Michael I've missed you like fuck,you're my fucking little brother and seeing you in pain just...I know it will take a while but can we please be friends again?"Michael took another sip a tiny smile playing at his lips.they sat in silence again just watching the nightsky.

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