I'll be here

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Ahiru's Pov

I guess this is ooc a little but hey whatever. Hope it doesn't bother you. This one isn't one I wanted to write in full, complete character. It doesn't fit the situation. Also I may have connected it to another one shot I wrote earlier. So does that make it a two shot?

I don't know what to do.

Everything is just so confusing. So many what ifs. So many mixed meanings. I mean everything changed so quick.

He was so sweet when we first met and now he's so different. Before he would buy me flowers, hug me, call me cute and make me blush. It was deathly sweet. But now he keeps trying to kiss me, hold me, and everything else I'm uncomfortable with.

I mean at first I thought I really liked him but now the spark is gone. I can't just break up with him, can I?

I mean Mytho would understand right.

No he wouldn't because I can't explain why to him.

All of this started a while ago. The spark was dying and I didn't feel much love towards Mytho. I felt like something was wrong but couldn't pin point it. And then Rue and I decided to do research on him after we heard something from our friend Autor.

Autor has been friends with Rue for a while. And he knew Mytho longer than I did. He wouldn't lie to us.

He told us that Mytho isn't as sweet as he seem. He's actually quite different. For a lack of a better term he's somewhat of a player. Autor said I should be careful around him. I heard his past relationships didn't turn out well either. Also that he isn't to nice to Autor and some of my other friends.

After that Rue and I went looking for more information. Mainly because I had this unsettling feeling in my body. It's like I started to connect the pieces.

In less then two weeks of us dating, he told me how the past girls he has dated all broke his heart. They all did terrible things. I felt really bad and I never wanted to do that to him.

Then his persistence in matters like kissing and stuff. He says he acknowledges that it makes me uncomfortable but he still talks about it and asks.

And the fact that we didn't know each other long when he "noticed" me.

All those facts together really didn't help settle my nerves. And everything we found out made it worse. Now even Rue doesn't like him too much.

Now I don't feel right. I have this bad feeling like something bad is about to happen in this relationship. It makes me so uncomfortable being around Mytho.

"Why does everything have to be so hard." I say to myself.

Rue had to stay and do more ballet practice today so now I'm all alone for the rest of the day. I don't want to hang out with Mytho. I decided to sit by the lake in the park. The park is not far from campus.


I turn from my view of the lake and look up to see Fakir. Fakir and I been best friends since I was eight and he was ten. (Sounds familiar?) It was at this very spot we first talked to each other. That was seven years ago.

"Oh hi Fakir." I say.

Fakir is out of school now since he graduated at sixteen. He skipped a grade. It makes sense since he's always reading and learning. But we still see each other everyday.

"What's wrong?" He asks sitting down next to me.

Fakir was always able to read me like an open book. It never any use to hide something from him.

"It's Mytho." I say.

"The boy you're dating? Did he do something wrong to you?" Fakir asks.

"Well not exactly." I reply.

Fakir raises his eyebrow at me. It's the look he gives me when he wants me to stop stalling. I sigh.

"Well I liked him at first but now I don't really. He was really sweet in the beginning but now he's really pushy. A lot of the time I don't feel comfortable around him and then me and Rue found out that he's not as nice as he seems. He's mean to a lot of my friends and he's a player kinda and I may be being used. And Rue thinks he put a guilt trip on me. And now I don't know what to do, what if it's all true. I have a bad feeling about all of this. What if..." I ramble.

"Ahiru stop. You're rambling again." Fakir says.

It took him a while to get used to my babbling but he learned.

I take a deep breath.

"Sorry." I say.

"Now look if you feel like something is going to happen ask him. I for one may not know him well but I have heard of him before. If you and Rue found all this information against him maybe you should confront him about it. You of all people can tell when someone lies. He won't be able to lie to you without you knowing." Fakir says.

"Yeah but what if he gets mad. I've heard he did some bad stuff when he's mad. I caught a glimpse of his anger and it was not pretty. It was kinda scary, it sent a chill up my spine." I say.

"Are you telling me you are afraid of him?" Fakir asks.

"No I'm afraid of what he may do. What if he blames my friends for how I feel? I don't want him to hurt them or anything...Or me." I say mumbling the last part.

But Fakir heard it.

"Has he hurt you before? You said "or me"." Fakir asks looking worried and suspicious.

"No but there is a first time for everything right." I reply.

"Don't worry idiot I won't let anything happen to you. I'm here for you. You'll get through this." Fakir says.

"Thanks Fakir." I say.

I've gotten used to Fakir calling me an idiot. That's his way of showing affection.

"You always make me feel better." I say.

"It's my job. Now shut up and listen while I read you your story for today." Fakir replies in his way of a playful manner.

"What story are we reading today?" I ask.

"The Prince and the Raven." Fakir says with a smirk.

It's my favorite story only because it's the first story Fakir ever read to me.

"Let's get started." I say enthusiastically.

Fakir gives me a small smile and begins.

I don't know if this is much of a Fakiru one shot since half of it is Ahiru explaining her situation but it has Fakiru at the end.

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