Chapter 32

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Me and Daniel were currently walking to his car.

Daniel: Are you staying at my house for the night or are you going home?

Joey: I'll go to your house.

Daniel: You know you stay at my house literally 24/7.

Joey: Well I like spending time with you.

Daniel: Maybe you should move in with me?
Joey: Are you being serious or are you kidding?

I looked over at Daniels who's eyes were fixed on the road.

Daniel: Serious.

Joey: Are you sure you want me their? I don't want to be a bother.......

Daniel: Your my boyfriend Joey, everything about you bothers me.

I saw a smirk grow onto his face.

Joey: Rudity rude rude!!

Daniel: Im just kidding.

I lightly punched his shoulder.

Daniel: So is it a yes or no?

I sat their thinking for a while.

Joey: Um...... Yah. It'll be fun!


Oohh their takeing their relastionship to a whole other level, what's next? Janiel smut? Jk. I'm bad at writing smut. Sorry for such a short chapter. I'm lazy asf rn and my friend is non stop texting me about drag races. Idek wtf that is.... anyways I'll see you tomorrow! ✌✋

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