Chapter 37 Congratulations!

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I was currently in 1rst period watching the student news on the my teachers projector. The principal was about to anounce the Valedictorian. I looked around the classroom as everyone was stareing closely at the screen impatiently waiting for the principals speech to be done.

Principal: And the Valedictorian for the class of 2016 goes to,

There was a long akward pause as the principal read of the card.

Principal: Joeseph Michael Graceffa!

I sat in my seat in shock as everyone began to cheer. Troye ran to my side and gave me a hug.

Troye: CONGRATS!!!!

I smiled widely as for the first time ever in my years of school. People actually cheered for me. The bell ring releasing everyone to go to their next class.

Teacher: Congratulations Joey. I knew you could do it!

I smiled.

Joey: Thank you.

I walked out of the class to my next classroom.


It was now 4th period. I walked in the classroom and saw Daniel in the back sitting down. He smiled big as he saw me walk over to him.


He jumped up and gave me a hug and a kiss on my forhead.

Joey: I know!

I was beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the people coming up and congratulating me.

Daniel: You don't look happy.

He gave a confused look as he pulled away from the hug.

Joey: Just a little overwhelmed that's all.

I smiled and took my seat.

Daniel: So how are you going to prepare for the speech?

Joey: I don't know?

Daniel: Do you know what collage you want to go to yet?

Daniel was stareing ahead at the board.

Joey: I was thinking Emerson......

Daniel: Oh, that's cool.

I could hear the hurt in his voice. I looked down at my binder that was sitting on my desk.

Daniel: I'm proud of you!

He reached over at my hand and gave me a week smile.


I raced Daniel to his car. I ended up loosing like always.

Joey: Daddy long legs!

Daniel burst into laughter as he began to drive.

Daniel: Yah well that's not my fault.

Joey: Only 3 days left until graduation and then the real world.

Daniel: Yah. Well I don't know what to do with my life after this.

Joey: I thought you wanted to become a model.

Daniel: I do. It's just that everyone seems so attractive and such perfect bodies. I don't think I could make it.

Daniel pulled out of the parking lot and began driving.

Joey: Trust me Daniel, your more attractive and have a much better body than I have ever seen. Besides, if that's your dream follow it. You'll make it I promise.

He smiled as he turned a corner.

Joey: This isn't the way home. Where are you taking us?

Daniel: Somewhere Darling, somewhere.


Sorry this chapter is really crappy and short and late, I put my education before anything even tho what I want to pursue doesn't require collage and education but still. Anyways the next update probably won't be until Thursday so bear with me. So I'll see you as soon as possible! Bye!

Oh yes, Did you guys see the Colleen Confirms Janiel video? I wasn't surprised expect the fact Colleen was the one to actually say Daniels name! I wonder what Joey thought.

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