Tire Swing

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The youngest Captor's mother looks down at her youngest son with a small smile and sad eyes, examining him as if to look at all of the different changes that had happened to her son. She is quiet, her glow is soothing and she seems to float though it doesn't seem there is any ground. Sollux beams up at her with eyes full of tears and a quivering smile that says all she needs to know. It feels like forever since she has seen her son so close to her. She preferred not to think of the very last time she had done it when she was alive.

"Am I dead?"

Sollux's mother continues to be silent. She continues to watch him for a moment, watching the slow panic grow.

"Oh my god, I'm dead."

Sollux begins to cry more. His mother only frowns and reaches out her hand. It gently cups the cheek of her second born, her thumb soothingly brushing across it.

"Solluxander, you must calm down. You are not dead yet."

He hiccups and does his best not to break down at the warm touch of his mothers hand, a comforting warmth he has missed for years. "T-then what is this?"

"This...Is destiny. It is time for you to be relieved of the pain you have been burdened with."

Sollux's brows furrow and he wipes his eyes with the palm of his hand. He tried to think over what she said but could come to no possible conclusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Sollux, you will be given a choice. One that weighs that of life and death, one that is in some situations indeed life or death...Are you ready?"


The building was in complete flames, the streets of the city smelled of smoke and the atmosphere was tense with worry. Mituna's lips bleed from biting them anxiously, Latula holding his hand tightly, acting as an anchor, something to keep him level with the world, and keep him from running off. It seems like hours before Firefighters pull a limp body with messy black hair out of the window of the Captor apartment. Latula's hand instantly flies up to cover her mouth, muffling a small sob. She holds Mituna's hands crushingly tight and Mituna screams trying to reach for him. 

The firemen pass him along to the paramedics , Mituna pulls Latula with him, grasping the side of the gurney that they had loaded Sollux onto. Tears stream down his face, he sniffles and he grasps Sollux's hand tightly. Burns liter his arms and soot seems to age his face years older than he should be. The paramedics try and push Mituna aside, loading him into the ambulance.

As the doors of the ambulance shut and everyone aboard speeds towards the hospital,
Mituna is haunted by how peaceful the smile upon his brothers face was.


"Sollux, you won't be able to go back on your decision later. Is this really what you want?"

"He isn't happy like this...I'm not happy like this."

Sollux's mother nods slowly, a frown obviously present on her face. She kneels down to her son's height, and embraces him tightly.

"I understand. No matter what Solluxander, remember, I love you."


The ambulance speeds down the highway, paramedics trying to revive the boy inside that was on the edge of death. 

It stops.

The clouds move slowly across the blue sky, children everywhere pointing out shapes within them.

They stop.

The burning building crumbles around its structures, assuring everything left inside will be no more,

The fire stops, the escapes fix themselves.

Mituna's tears vanish, Traffic comes to a stand still, Wind ceases to exist, Clocks become still, and Sollux's heart stops.

The next chapter is the last.

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