In the Closet

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A/N Alex is supposed to be a freshmen in college while Scott is still a senior in high school. Also, Melissa wrote most of this and she's very proud of her dirty dirty work. There's a break between my section and hers so you know who wrote what. Ily all! Enjoy!


Alex pulled into the parking lot of Scott's high school, Chipolte bag in hand. He walked into the school and checked-in at the front desk, getting a visitor's pass and heading towards the cafeteria.

"Hi!" Scott said enthusiastically as soon as he saw his boyfriend walk into the cafeteria. Alex smiled and embraced the blonde before guiding them to sit at one of the lunch tables.

Alex chatted with Scott and some of his other friends for a while as they ate their lunches.

"Can I walk you to your locker?" Alex asked as the lunch bell rang and all the students began collecting their trash.

"I would love that," Scott replied with a smile, lacing his fingers through Alex's. The two boys made their way hand-in-hand through the hallways.

"Don't you miss this?" Scott asked sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, putting in the combination on his lock.

"So much," Alex agreed, equally sarcastic.

"God, I can't wait until I graduate," Scott said with exasperation, slamming his locker shut. He turned to Alex and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you later?" He said with a cute smile.

"Later," Alex confirmed, leaning in for another kiss. This one was slower and the blonde had a hard time pulling away from it. When they did separate, they were both breathing heavily. Alex rested his forehead against Scott's.

"You're a great kisser," the brunette said with a smirk. Scott blushed a bit and shoved Alex's shoulder lightly with a "shut up."

The final bell rang, signaling the students should be in class. Scott groaned and began to walk away, throwing a "bye" over his shoulder, but Alex caught his wrist and spun him around, bringing him into another kiss.

Scott smiled into the kiss, and then let out a small groan as Alex's tongue slid across his lower lip.

"Alex," Scott warned playfully. "I have to go to class."

"Nuh uh," Alex said, kissing his boyfriend again. This time, he gently bit down on Scott's lip, knowing it drove the blonde crazy.

"Mmmm you taste good," Alex mumbled, moving his lips to Scott's jaw and down his throat.

"Babe," Scott said breathlessly. "We can't do this now, especially not here. I have to go..."

Alex ignored Scott's words and continued to kiss down his neck. "You're right," he mumbled against Scott's skin. "Let's go somewhere more private."

Scott gave Alex a quizzical look as the older boy dragged him towards the nearest doorway, which Scott quickly realized happened to be a janitor's closet. Alex promptly shoved the boy inside and closed the door behind them.

"Alex! What are you doing?!"

Alex just giggled and slammed his lips against his boyfriend's in an attempt to silence his words of protest. Scott complied, dropping his books and wrapping his arms around Alex's neck bringing him closer.

"I can't get enough of you," Alex said breathlessly as he began marking the skin of Scott's collarbones. Scott was breathing heavily, tangling his fingers in Alex's hair and quietly moaning every time Alex bit down on his skin.

Both boys were becoming aroused and desperate very quickly. Scott pushed his hips forward, causing them to collide with Alex's, eliciting a moan from both of them.

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