Chapter 3

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Date: 19th December, 2015.

Edited on: 20th June, 2016.

I profusely apologise if there are any grammatical errors or typos. Please ignore them. I'm having a killer headache and I just wanted to update today.

"I would let you drag me to hell
if it meant I get to hold your hand."


The alarm beeped and I lazily got up for my bed. I couldn't delay, that was the fifth time my alarm had snoozed. I groaned and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened.

The only thought that came to my mind was I don't know how the people in shows look so pretty and perfect when they wake up. That's too good to be real.

I, on the other hand, looked like a dead raccoon, bags under my eyes, no doubt because of lack of sleep the previous night, my hair sticking out in all directions resembling a bird's nest. My eye liner and kohl were smudged right below my eyes and all around it. Guess I forgot to remove it yesterday.

I stripped the slightly wet clothes, wet with perspiration and stepped in the shower turning on both the knobs with hot and cold water for the perfect temperature.

Woah, slow down scientist.

I rolled my eyes at my own immaturity and continued washing myself.

Thirty minutes later, I was on the stool in my kitchen eating chocolate chip pancakes. They tasted delicious. After shoving them down my throat in a very unladylike manner, I picked up my bag and walked out. Forty two seconds later, Blaze arrived and I hopped on into his Audi R8.

"I'm on time." I beamed up at him proudly, like a kid who had got a star for answering with the right answer.

He chuckled, shook his head and replied, "For a change." faintly. I almost missed it.

The ride to school was immensely unusual and awkward. Well, to be honest,I was making it awkward. The usual jokes, banter and singing (more like shouting on the top of my lungs) was replaced with silence and one word answers from my side. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream. It was so disturbing. I hardly could get sleep last night after I woke up. I'm sure Blaze could sense something was off but thankfully, he didn't ask.

What would I tell him?

"Oh, it's nothing. Just this very violent and frightening dream is on my mind, where I got abused and hit by two men. I could even see the cut when I got up for a few seconds. It was bleeding too. Don't worry, it's nothing big."

Yeah, right.

We arrived and I got to my classes, not before briefly hugging Blaze and smelling his familiar cologne which put me to ease to a certain level.

I got to History and sat at the back of the class, besides Liam.

"He babe." He winked and said.

I said a dull 'Hi' back. Not that I wanted to brush him off, but I just couldn't concentrate. I know, I know, it looks so kiddish that I couldn't stop thinking about that dream but there was something about it. It seemed that it has actually happened. The dream was like a deja vu.

"Hey Alaska? You okay? You didn't even snap at me today when I called you 'babe' and you're unusually quiet." Liam asked, with concern.

"Oh no. I'm fine. Just tired."

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