Chapter 23

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Date: 15th April, 2016.

Just saying (Yes, I am 5SOS af), I don't write all the quotes at the beginning of the chapter.

Guess who's writing at 4 in the morning again? Sorry if the chapter is not upto the mark.

"When she apologies for being too hard to love,

do not say, "It's okay."

Tell her that loving her is like breathing and without her

you are drowning,

but you wouldn't want it any other way."


I sat on the bed, with shaky hands and tried to control my breathing.

Deep breath in, deep breath out.





I repeated this procedure for a long time, calming myself down.

It's just a dream, Nov. Calm down. Nothing can hurt you, breathe.

Seeing that it was 6:15 AM, and Liz would be up, I picked up my phone and dialled her number with trembling fingers.

"Hey." Came her voice from the other end.

Deep breaths, Nov.

"Hey." I wearily replied.

"What's up, Alaska?" Her voice was more alert, now.

"Another nightmare." My voice was bleat.

"I'll come over after breakfast, okay?" She ended with a sigh.


"See you then."


"Bye." She answered and then hung up.

I walked towards the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess. I was a mess. My eyes were red and swollen, and the cheeks had dried tear stains on them and overall, I looked like hell personified. I took a warm, relaxing shower and got dressed, not looking myself in the mirror again, scared to see what would I look like.

I sat on the bed, my fingers shaking a bit and called up Blaze, wincing a bit as I saw my reflection on the phone's screen.

"Hey Nov." He answered groggily.

"I'm skipping today."

"Why?" I could imagine him furrowing his eyebrows, even in his sleep.

"I don't feel all too well."

"I'll skip too, then."

"No, you go to school. Liz is coming over."

"You know we don't trust her anymore." He sounded annoyed.

"Well, I do." I snapped.

"Fine." He huffed.

"Fine." I repeated.

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