Chapter 10

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Date: 2nd February, 2016.

Still can't get over the fact this book is on #1.

"Who made you hate yourself
to where you barely look at
yourself in the mirror anymore?

Who made you hate the way
your voice sounds, so you
stopped talking and singing?

Who made you stop seeing
galaxies in your eyes?

Who? Who did that to you?

And the sad part is, I didn't
have to say their name.
Because you know who broke you."


"Hello sweetie, what's your name?" The therapist asked me.

"Hey, I'm Alaska." I speak up, shyly, looking at my mum after a second.

"I'm Lily Matthews. I'm going to help you." She said and I nodded at her, feeling a little confident by every passing second.

"So what actually happened the day you started having the dreams?" She asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Uh, I don't remember much. Blaze, my best friend had come over in the morning to wake me up and then we attended school. I went to swim at midnight and then I almost drowned. When my dad rescued me, I saw blurry faces." I said.

"Okay, so what are your dreams about?" She questioned further.

"They are all violent and different. But they have the same storyline. I get hurt or the ones those are close to me do." I looked up at her from my hands.

"Do you see who does that to you? Hurts you, I mean." She said in a gentle voice.

"Um, no. No, I don't. Their faces are always blurry. But for the past two or three days, they're getting clearer." I answered truthfully.

"So, do you think you almost drowning and seeing blurry faces triggered this?" She asked me.

'Maybe" I shrugged. That had never occurred to me.

"And can these be some sorts of flashbacks? Not the whole entire thing, but some parts of it" She asked, or rather said.

I shrugged and looked at my mum. "Not that I remember of."

"Okay Alaska. I'll prescribe some meds for you. Do you mind going out for a second? I want to talk to your mom." I smiled at her politely and walked out.

Five minutes later, mum came out and sent me back in, alone. Lily talked to me for the next half an hour and made an appointment to see me the next week.

Before I could fully exit her office and she called out for me. "Yes?" I asked her.

"Go home and try midnight swimming again. Tell me how it works out the next time you see me." She says.

"Sure thing." I replied and walked out.

We brought my medicines and went home. My mom dropped me off and went out for a dinner date with my dad. As soon as I removed my shoes, the bell rang. I groaned and walked to the door. Looks like mum had forgotten something. I opened the door and there stood the gang on the other side of the door. I stepped aside and let them in.

"Come on, in."

Soon, the living room came alive and was filled with chatter and laughter. The loneliness vanished into the thin air. I went into the kitchen and brought out something to drink for everyone. I settled down on the sofa between Liam and Noah. Liam put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards me. Noah just smirked at us. I looked at Liz and she was looking everywhere but us. I didn't bother to look at Blaze because I knew he would have his jaw locked and fists clenched.

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