Chapter 26

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Date: 24th April, 2016.

I have lost all the motivation to write. I don't want to anymore, ugh.

"It isn't always popping pills, drinking whiskey, or slicing veins.

Sometimes, its crossing the street without looking; sometimes it's not wearing your seatbelt.

And sometimes, it is as simple as staying up all night because you don't want tomorrow to come."


Four months later

It was four in the morning and Blaze and I lay awake, talking. Our naked bodies intertwined beneath the sheets and our breaths synchronised, telling each other what we were afraid of.

"My worst fear is forgetting mum.", Blaze released a shaky breath. "I mean, she passed away a while ago and all of my memories of her are fading away. I am starting to forget the exact shade of her hair colour and the sound of her voice. I am starting to forget the taste of her food and how her touch felt. Everyday a little part of my memories fade away and I don't want them to. I don't want to forget her." A tear lead out of his eye.

My hand reached up and wiped the tears that were now flowing down freely his face. I lay my head on his chest and tightly wrapped my arms around his torso. "I know that I suck at making things better, but you know, you will be fine. She is so proud of you for how far you have come. Remember, when she died, you told me you won't make it this far? But guess what baby, you did. You came so far, moulding yourself into a better person and got past the bullshit life threw at you. You have survived 100% of your bad days." I looked up at him and smiled. I placed my hand on his now dry cheek and repeated what I had said earlier, "You will be fine."

Blaze smiled down and me and kissed me softly. I never wanted this to end. I wanted it to be just us, against the whole word. With him by my side, I think I could take anything that life threw at me. He was my strength and I was his.

At some point, we fell asleep, snuggled into each other and to be honest, that was the best sleep I had ever had in a long, long time.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt tired and refreshed at the same time. I quickly showered and got dressed and by the time I came back, Blaze was still sleeping. I grinned and sat on him, a devious idea coming into my mind.

I leaned forward and put my lips next to his ear, taking a deep breath, I shouted, "Get up, fatass." Blaze jumped and I landed on the space next to him, on the bed. Taking in his expression of shock and confusion, I laughed.

He smirked and said, 'Oh, you're so getting it."

I quickly jumped out of the bed, ninja style (more like clumsily) and ran out of the room, squealing and Blaze emerged a few seconds later with nothing but boxers on. I laughed and ran faster, trying to get away from him. I ran all around the house, bumping into Kyle at last.

I told him to be quiet and I sprinted towards the back door, making my way towards the backyard.

I could hear Blaze asking Kyle whether he had seen me and in reply, Kyle told him I had sprinted in the living room.

Good boy, Kyle.

I rushed towards the house and tip toed to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and enjoyed the silence, closing my eyes, giving my aching feet a rest. About fifteen minutes later, the door knob of the door jingled and Blaze walked in with a slight frown on his face.

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