Before You Read

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It's been a long time since I've been here. I started writing Those Perfect Flaws when I was fifteen (I'm nineteen now). I was in a very dark place, and I needed a way to let everything out, so I wrote. I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote, and I lost myself entirely in this. I had to take major breaks while writing this book because nothing in my life felt right, and there was a time where I wanted to destroy this book. I did, too. I unpublished it, and I still want to. The thing is, whenever I wrote, I did not care about the grammar, or character development or anything important. I just wanted the chaos in my head to stop. The funny thing is, I don't remember writing this book.

Over the years I've written this book, it has gotten so much of love and support. So, so many of you have added it to your reading lists which have adorable names, and so many of you have taken out the time of your day to read, and vote, and comment on this book. Taken out time to love it. I appreciate that so much, I'll never be able to say. Thank you for that. Thank you for giving me a platform.

The point is, I've hated this book so much for so long that I took it upon myself to reread it, and then rewrite it, fixing the major plot holes and loopholes, and the grammar, and sentences— the dialogues.

I kind of liked the result when I finished, but not as much as I would like to. Also, the rewritten version is in the third person's point of view.  Anyway, I sent the manuscript to places, and Those Perfect Flaws is officially published as an e-book, as well as a paperback.

Unfortunately, this is the completely unedited version, which has several plot holes, and loopholes and terrible, terrible grammar, but I hope you give it a read, as you did when I published this book on here in 2015.

If you want the wholly edited version, it is available on (paperback + e-book) and Pothi's (paperback + e-book) website. If you have any troubles with it, you can always drop a DM.

Thank you for all the love. I'm forever grateful for it. Thank you for having my back, and thank you because this unedited version has won several awards on here. Thank you, no matter what you are–– a reader who drops a lot of votes and comments, or a ghost reader.

All the love,

Pia xx

2021 Update:

Hi! It's been a while. I opened the Wattpad app the other day, and I had tons of notifications telling me how much you loved this book, how much you've cried over it and how glad you were that you gave this book a chance. So, I reread it. Alaska may sound like the typical 'pick-me-I'm-not-like-the-other-girls' type of girl at the beginning of the story, but I promise she is not like that. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to working on that part and making her less, well, like that. There are parts in this story that the 21-year-old (hi, I'm 21 now lmao) me does not agree with. I do not hold those beliefs anymore. Again, I haven't gotten around to changing those parts, but I'd like to. I'd also like to add that my portrayal of the mental illness mentioned in this book is not the best, and now that I have a Masters in Psychology, I'd like to do it some justice. I just need some time. Anyway, the point is, the book is not well written, especially at the beginning, I'm not even going to lie. Just get through the first few chapters, and I promise it gets better. Give it a chance, please. Even if I don't agree with certain parts, I am immensely proud of 15-year-old Pia for writing this. She did not know any better. But I do. I promise to come back and work on this story and do the characters the justice they deserve. We've come so far. I look at my notifications every single day, and I'm always blown away by the love you show this book, even after so many years. I love you.

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