First Encounters

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" I don't understand why you are so excited it's just school." Ethan stated from my door way as I rushed to get dressed.

I turned to him crossing my arms," Maybe because I've been stuck in this damn house...whatever you want  to call it...since we got here."

I grabbed my bookbag and walked down the hallway to the study where my dad most likely was," How am I getting to school?"


"Dad I don't think I can ride on a motorcycle with the guy I am suppose to hate...."

"Fine...take Kali's she won't mind right Kali.." My dad asked as she walked up from behind me. Kali was like the bitchy mean sister that nobodoy wanted.

"I guess...just don't scratch it." She growled grabbing the keys off of the desk and throwing them at me.

I rolled my eyes," Whatever." before walking out the house.

Isaac's POV

"So what are we going to do about Ethan?" I asked leaning against the locker that was next to Scott's

" of now ..unless he does something to us."

I sighed," I don't like this stupid waiting game....Scott...what if it's too late what if someone gets hurt?"

"What are we supposed to do Isaac we can't walk up to them and try fighting them that's not going to help anything....and doesn't make it any better that Derek isn't talking to us."

I looked down not wanting to bring up anything that remotely had to do with Derek," Sorry Is.."

"Its fine...its nothing." I stated with a sigh. I opened my mouth to ask Scott something else when Stiles walked up.

"Have you guys seen the new girl?"

"New Girl?" Scott asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah...dude she's insanely hot..." Stiles would of continued but a sweet yet sarcastic voice cut him off," Well this insanely hot new girl needs to get to her can you guys please like move."

We all turned around and Stiles had been right. She had tanned skin, with big gray eyes, and dark brown hair, pink plump lips that looked like you could kiss them all day, and don't get me started on her body.

"Hello earth to boys." She stated snapping us out of our trance.

"Sorry" we murmured moving out of her way. We didn't say anything just kind of stood there checking her our, and her backside was just as wow as the front.

"You guys do know I can fell you staring at my butt." She slightly turned around looking at us and all of our heads flew up to look in her eyes.

Gosh her eyes were beautiful....they look like diamonds.

I shook my head its the girl first day and I'm already drooling over her. She closed her locker and look over at us," See you around," she winked before walking off.

"Damn" Stiles whispered, reading all of our minds.

Mrs. Alpha(Teen Wolf/ Isaac Lahey LS)Where stories live. Discover now