Goodbye Beacon Hills

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Third POV:

Adri huffed as she threw her last bag into the trunk of the rented Mustang,her and Isaac got for the ride to France. Argent came up with the idea he needed time to grief after losing the last person close to him. When Isaac heard about he decided he and Adri should tag along .

"Do you have to go?" Adri whipped around to see a melancholy Ethan.


"Adri I feel like in losing everyone first the pack, then Aiden, and now you It's not fair."

"Eth...I can't stay here....just too many bad memories....ill text you every day."

Ethan walked up to Adri and embraced her in a suffocating hug," you promise ?"

" I promise."


"Be careful Isaac.... I doubt France has ever heard of werewolfs so no wolfing out alright."
Isaac laughed and quickly gave a bro hug to Stiles and Scott and a little waves to the girls.

Adri smiled weakly as Isaac kissed her forehead before getting in the drivers seat.
She looked over at her pack the only pack that didn't use her. She took a big sigh before walking over to them, her hands in her back pocket.

"Um...I guess thanks?"
Stiles and Scott looked at each other before walking up to Adri and hugging her.
Adri raised an eyebrow and hugged them back while ignoring Malia's growl.

"You guys can let go now!"
The boys pulled and Adri smiled before starting to walk away, before she stopped.
"Hey have any of you heard from Derek."

The whole group shook their heads and Adrianna sighed fearing that.

"Just..uh...when he shows up tell him to call me...kay?"

"Yeah." Scott smiled and Adri returned the favor.
She sighed as she got in the mustang and leaned her head back on the seat.

"You okay beautiful ?"
She opened her eyes and smiled looking at Isaac before kissing him softly on the lips.

Isaac smiled and started the car, while Adri waved bye to their friends.

"Oh and just heads up... if you cheat on me with a French girl I will rip your heart out with my teeth got me Lahey ?"

Isaac gulped and smiled looking at Adri before looking back at the road.

Goodbye Beacon Hills..


Hi guys I was so expecting to do more on this book but sadly Daniel Sharman quit Teeb Wolf I cried really but you know what that means updating The Alpha Pact....fake encore screams

Please don't hate me for how this book ended I know a few of you may not like how it ended but that's fan fiction for ya 😺😸😻😽😼🙀😿😹😾😵😲😟😦😧😈👿😮😬😐😕😯😶😇😏😑😢😂😭😪😥😰😅😡😠😱😨😫😩😩😓😤😖😆😋😷😎😴😄😃😀😊☺️😉😍😘😗😙😜😝😛😳😁😔😒😌😞😣

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