Bad Wiring

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Adri POV

"I told you its an allergic reaction , Isaac, there's nothing more I can do!"  I heard Deaton state to Isaac.

"Deaton but its getting worse."

"How much worse?"

"I could hear her screaming of pain from outside her house...I mean when is this allergic reaction going to stop."

"I don't know?"

I heard Isaac sigh as he walked into the room where I laid on the table," You okay?"

He chuckled," The question is are you okay?"

"Peachy" I smiled and rolled my head up so that I was looking at the ceiling. The room got awkwardly quiet to where is someone walked in they could automatically feel it.

My mind started to wonder back to at my house when I smelt her perfume all over him we break up and he just moves on am I nothing to him now. I mean all the shit we've been through and he throws it away for Allison the girl that tried to kill him.

Am I the only person that remembers her trying to kill everybody because of her mother. I mean I did the samething to my pack but I couldn't control myself.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How quickly you moved on from me."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his curls,I used to do that. " Well you broke up with me."

"Because you kissed Allison!" I shouted sitting up on the table," Isaac I'm sorry if I hadn't been the best girlfriend, but I always tried no matter what I always tried and what do I get in return losing the love of my life to girl that tried to kill him on multiple occasions!"

He got up and wrapped his arms around my neck holding me tightly against him. My hands laid flatly on his back and I looked up at him. If someone asked me what I liked about him the most I would say his eyes. I loved how blue they were and in the dark they literally glowed. Our lips met together perfectly and I closed my eyes just like I always did.

His hands moved to where they were cupping my cheeks and my hands when to his curls. We pulled away and his lips kissed softly down my neck. I closed my eyes biting down on my bottom lip and pulled at the back of his shirt.

He pulled away and jerked my head up to him , " I love you."

My eyes grew wide Isaac had never really said that first since last semester, "I love you to-"

"Isaac, Scott said he needs you at the hospital something happened with Stiles." She ran in.

She stopped and looked at me and I narrowed my eyes at her before looking back up at Isaac, "Go, I'll be fine"

"I keep feeling like we keep leaving each other, and I don't like it"

I cupped his face," Stiles could seriously be in danger go."

He leaned down and pecked my lips," I love you"

"I love you too" I whispered back.


I was in the middle of my fifth bucket of vile and my eighth test with Deaton when I got the call.

"Hello?" I coughed out.

"Adri I need you to come to the hospital something happened to Isaac something bad." Scott's ranged out from the phone

"Wait what?"

He sighed loudly," Isaac's hurt now hurry up and get down here!"

The phone went dead and I immediately hopped up just as Deaton was walking in with two bottles," Where are you going?"

"Isaac's hurt."

"I don't think its a good idea that you're going in these conditions."

"I have to Deaton, okay I'll be back" I stated running out the door.

From then on everything seemed to go slower. Literally everything just slowed down, I ran into the hospital just as it was going to stop with the visiting hour. I didn't see anybody that I knew there. I ran up to the front desk in a frantic.

"Hello miss, I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

"Mrs please this is my boyfriend I-I need to see him please!" Tears rushed down my face and the woman sighed giving me a soft smile.

"Fine..lord knows I can't stand seeing people cry." She gave me a soft smile,"Name?"

"Isaac Lahey."

"Ohh... are you sure you want to see him now he's in bad condition."

I swallowed loudly," Yes"

I followed her to Isaac's room and swallowed hard again when we got to the door. She swiped her card and push the door open for me and I gave her a weak smile.

I covered my mouth when I looked at all the bruises on his skin leading up to his gorgeous face. I walked to the side of the bed and looked down at him.


He softly lifted his head and opened his eyes softly, "Adri?....what are you doing here?"

"I needed to come and see you...what happened?"

He smiled weakly before his turned his head," Bad...wiring...stay with me."

He breathed out heavily before he fell asleep. I shook my head even though he couldn't see and smiled.

I took off my shoes and climbed into the bed with him. His eyes opened and he looked at me as I carefully grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my waist.

"I meant what I said."

"What?" I asked looking over at him.

"when I said I loved you...I meant it." He smiled before closing his eyes.

I smiled at that too before I placed my hand on his wrist getting ready to take away some of his pain.

"Don't" he mumbled but I wasn't having that.

I took a big breath before I started to take his pain. I bit on my bottom lip hard almost screaming at the pain. That one thing took a lot out of me and before I knew it I was asleep.


"Adri...Adri!" I jumped up at the sound of my name and looked over seeing Allison and Scott standing together.

"Did you stay here all night?" Allison asked.


"Are you alright?" Scott asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Peachy" I mumbled," Just tired is all"

I saw the look of frantic on his face," Stiles is gone."

"What?...What do you mean gone?"

"Like we don't know where he is."

Sorry I haven't been updating I had like three competitions in a week in a yeah busy schedule. but I only have like one or two more than I will be better at updating please don't hat me.  And guys I appreciate the advice but my book is going by the show Scott like Kira, Allison and Isaac have a fling, and Stiles is alone until he has sex with Malia. so yeah.



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