Father No More

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"What the hell happened today?" Deucalion yelled as I walked into the house with Ethan, "I got a call from the school saying that you passed out Adri."

"Lack of sleep..." I trailed heading for my room.

"Than why did Ethan have to pick you up from Deaton's" He replied making me stop and turn around.

"Because that's where Scott and Isaac took me..." I stated trying not to kill him.

"Why would they have to take you there, Adri?" He asked walking up to me , his pointer tapping against the floor until it hit my foot.

"I don't know....."I growled, he took a step forward until he was right in my face.

"Don't lie to me Adri...what happened today at school?"

"I don't know alright!...I fell out, I woke up that's all I rememer Da-Deucalion..."

"What did you just call me?"

"Deucalion.." I challenged, Deucaliion had always taught me to address people by their right names, which in this case for him is Dad, but after seeing what he had did to my mom while I was killing people he doesn't deserve.

His claws came out and they quickly came across my face, I hissed as the stinging feeling came. I touched under my right eye feeling five marks on my cheek, I took a step back looking at him as if he was a monster, which he was.

"I am your father and whether you like it or not you will address me as your father, Adrianna....do you hear me!" I stayed quiet, I couldn't stay here I wasn't going to stay here," Do you hear me?!!??!"

"YES!" I growled before getting up and stomping off to my room, I made sure to close the door with a loud bang, just so everyone knew I was pissed.

I couldn't, no I wouldn't stay here. I grabbed my bag, another bag that I had and started to throw clothes in there. I grabbed my Iphone, Ipod and laptop and shoved those into my backpack.  Strapping both of those on me, I turned the tv on , grabbed the helmet and climbed out of my window. I quickly started the motorcycle and drove off to god knows where, oh and the best part about this is its poring raining.



"I want to apologize about that night Isaac..." Derek stated leaning against the doorframe of my room,it felt so good to be back.

"No worries...you were stressed..Its not like you did on purpose." I sat up raising an eyebrow," You didn't do it on purpose did you?"

He chuckled," No...why would I want to hurt anybody who has stood by thick and thin on purpose?"

I shrugged and laid back down, before smirking," So you nailed my english teacher?"

He rolled his eyes," Not having that conversation with you..."

"Oh come on...you know that I kissed Adri...why can't I know if you slept with my teacher."

"Technically she kissed you..and because that's none of your busin-"

"Derek..Isaac..um someone's here.." Kora's voice ranged.

Derek looked at me before I got and we walked out, seeing Adri. She looked from Kora to us, before she quickly looked down as if she was hiding something.

"I know..now is not the best time but....I think I should tell you guys about what happened today at school...or at least tell you Isaac." She whispered. I walked up to her and lifted up her head seeing five long lines on her right cheek going up to her eye.

"Who did this to you?"


Sorry its so short,.....I just love to end my stories in suspense......TEE-HEE

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