Where's Your Pack

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Scott's POV:

"So you're telling me that the new girl's an werewolf....let alone an Alpha." Stiles whispered yelled as we sat down at our usual lunch table.

"Yeah...I mean I didn't see her eyes go red, but I felt it," I shrugged.

"So did you since anything bad about her...get a vision or something like that?" I raised an eyebrow looking over at Stiles,"I'm a werewolf Stiles not an physic."

He rolled his eyes," It was just an question."

"Hey have you two seen the new girl?" Allison's voice cut in as her and Lydia sat down at the table.

"Yeah...she's hot isn't she?" Stiles laughed, causing Lydia and Allison to roll their eyes.

"Not what we meant...I mean have you noticed how close she's been to Isaac?"

I looked around before looking back at Stiles," Where is Isaac?"

"Over there with the new girl and Boyd." Lydia pointed out, and sure enough the two were sitting with   Boyd laughing.

"Don't they usually sit over here?" Allison asked, and I shook my head yes, before starting to listening to what their conversation was about.

"So where did you move here from?" Isaac asked

"Oh... its hard to say.....my family is always moving...so most of the time I was homeschooled."

"Ahh" both Isaac and Boyd said.

"What are they talking about?" Allison asked making me look at her.

"How'd you know I was listening in to their conversation?"

"Because you were staring over that way." She stated in a duh tone.

"Nothing just asking her questions about herself."

"Am I the only one who gets a bad vibe from her?" Lydia asked.

"Have you even talked to her?" I asked looking at her.

"No but I still get this bad vibe from her."

Isaac POV

"Why does your friend keep staring at me?" Adri asked looking back at Scott.

"He probably sinces that you're a werewolf?" Boyd spoke and Adri replied with a simple 'Oh' before continuing to eat.

Gosh she smells like strawberries..and her voice so angelic...her laugh....her smile just wow.

"Earth to Isaac"

"Hmm?" I murmued looking over at her," I was thanking you and Boyd for showing me around school today..."

She smiled her gorgeuos smile which made me smile, "No problem."

"Can I ask you something though?" Boyd asked looking at her.

"You just did." she giggled sitting up.

Boyd playfully rolled his eyes before continuing," If your an Alpha where's your pack?"

Causing both me and her to stop," I had a pack but....we um got into a fight with a neighboring pack...they all risked their lifes for me." She answered still looking down as if there was something else.

"Even your beta?" I asked looking at her.

"He was the first to die.." she mumbled before continuing,"That's why my parents kept me homeschooled for so long."

"What made them let you come to highschool?"

"I kept begging till I got the answer I wanted." She smiled, before the bell ringed and we had to leave for our last two classes.


After school I our last class I walked with Adri to her locker," So how are you getting home?" I asked holding her bag as she got all her stuff.


"Motorcyle...you have a Motorcycle?"

"Well it's actually not mine....more like my...stepsisters."

"Still I had to get a ride from Stiles...which isn't as fun as it sounds."

She giggled,"You can ride with me but you'll have to sit behind."

"No thanks" she closed her locker and turned to me ,"Well thanks Isaac for today and everything.....here give me your hand."

I  gave her my hand and watch her carefully right her cellphone number on it , and couldn't help but to smile like a dumbass.

"See ya tommorrow." she kissed my cheek and walked off, and I smiled before leaning up against the lockers.

"Lovestruck much." Ethan's voice interrupted my daydream.

I growled and pushed myself off of the lockers before turning and looking at him. So far I hadn't had to worry about him and his bullshit.

"What do you want Ethan?"

"Just to tell you to watch your back."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Just like I said watch your back" He smirked before walking off and leaving me confused, I shook it off and started to look for Stiles and Scott so they could take me home...or at least to Scott's house


Mrs. Alpha(Teen Wolf/ Isaac Lahey LS)Where stories live. Discover now