What the Hell is a Stiles?

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Adrianna's Pov

I walked into the house and sighed when I saw how the house looked,"Do you guys ever clean up after yourselfs?"

"We would but that's whats daddy little girl's for..." Kali smirked walking out of his study.

"You know what Kali...if it wasn't for you letting me use you bike I would totally kick your ass."

"Then why don't you?" My dad interrupted," It would make good practice for the both of you."

Kali smirked at me," I don't think she's ready Deucalion...she's still just a little girl and I hate to mess up her pretty face."

I growled and without a second thought lunged at her making her fall back on the floor.

"Get off me you little mutt!" she growled pushing me back and making me hit my head on the wall. I looked at her and all I wanted to do was kill her.

"Control yourself Adri" Dad stated as if he could actually see us," stop using all your anger on one attack.

She smiled and grabbed me by my neck before slamming me up against the wall," you may be an alpha but you're the weakest of us all...and your supposed to be Duecalion's daughter...you're nothing..just like your mother."

That sparked, that one last sentence pissed me off, I may not know my mother but I sure as hell is not gonna let some dumbass bitch call her nothing.

"Kali...weak or not..I am Deucalion's daughter meaning if you piss me off enough you will see something you don't wanna see."

I felt my eyes go red, my canines come out, and my claws grow. I latched my hand around her arm and my nails stick into her skin going deeper and deeper until she let go of my neck. I twisted her arm and laughed when she growled in pain.

"So since I'm his daughter that means you will not disrespect me....no matter how weak you think I am." I growled making my nails go deeper inter her arm at disrespect and weak. I let go of her arm and she coward and grabbed a hold onto it as if it wasn't going to heal, and without a second thought I let my hand come across her cheek, making her fall back.

" And don't ever talk about my mother that away...ever....if it wasn't for her you would probably be dead...anyway." I growled reminding her of how my mother helped her with training.

My dad's clap made me turn to him," See I told you guys she was getting stronger."

Using his cane he walked over to me and placed his hand on my cheek," You're acting more and more like an alpha each day...how'd it go with getting some friends at school?"

"Okay I guess" I murmured trying to control myself I still was pissed and wanting nothing more than to finish beating the shit out of Kali, but sadly she had got up and stomped her way into my dad's study.

"Who all did you befriend?"

"Isaac and that Boyd guy you guys had took."

"Befriend more like mad him her boyfriend." Ethan interrupted walking into the room with a smirk.

I growled looking at him and my dad just smiled," Does he know that you're an alpha?"

"Yeah....I didn't tell him!...he just kinda sinced it."

"It doesn't matter about that I mean maybe since he thinks you're an alpha with no pack he'll get Derek to let you join there's and we'll have a better shot with taking them down.."

I shook my head up and down before looking around," Where's Ennis and Aiden?"

"Aiden's in his room....and I think Ennis went to have a little visit with our friend Derek."

"Wait Isaac told me he had been getting a ride from Stiles so maybe he's not in Dereks pack anymore maybe he's an omega."

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Kali asked finally walking out of the study, I glared looking at her she's not in this conversation.

"One of Isaac's and Scott's friends," Aiden stated finally walking out of his room,"How was your first day of school?"

I shrugged," Okay"

"We'll talk about this later now go change.. your going to start your real training today."

I smiled before getting up finally I get to train with everybody else.

Sorry I just wanted for this chapter to show you how its like for Adrianna living with the Alpha pack I'll update tomorrow

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