The End? Near?......I mean is this the end of the book or?

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Hey Guys, It's Destiny....

I just came to say, yes, this is the end of Mrs. Alpha....I totally forgot to type this up after I was yeah anyway. I also wanted to tell you fans my book, The Alpha Pack, has also ended I know what you guys are thinking....

"But it ended with him and her going into the woods...."

Yeah it did but I'm pretty sure you would've known what happen next (and if you didnt here's the epilogue....starting now...AlexaandScottmeetupwithDeucalionandStilestocomeupwithaplantofindthetreeandJennifer....AlexaofcourseistheonetoholdScottdownwhentheygettothewatersceneandStilestellsScotthisdadisintownwhichgivesaweirdIcan'treallyexplainfaceandlooksupatAlexawhowhisperesthewords"it'llbealright"andpusheshiminthewatertheyfindthetreekillJenniferandeverythingis'back'tonormal')

You see how boring that would've been especially since the show aired in what yeah..but I will be writing a sequel for both books the only questions for you guys is...

Would you want me to start a whole nother sequel book or do a part 2 on this book..

Because I know I'm that kind of person who hates to have to go from on book to the first book to catch up on what I forgot....and I think it would be easier just for me to do a part 2 on both books so I won't get confused......sooo yeah either way its your guys choice I literally wrote for you guys...I don't think I would've saw Mrs.Alpha to the end if it wasn't for you guys...I really do you love you guys

*BReaks down in no I promised myself I wouldn't cry..*

So yeea just comment or message and see you in January baby....okay pretend I never said that because I have a feeling someone of you are going to be like oh my god did she just call me baby I feel so yeah...see you in January my little wolfies....wolfies don't that sound like a good name for my fans.....hey if your my fan you have to put wolfies in your bio and comment Wolf when you have I mean it if you lie to me I will hunt you down.....

Im just kidding ...

But seriously I literally love you guys 

Mrs. Alpha(Teen Wolf/ Isaac Lahey LS)Where stories live. Discover now