Ice Skating | Hinata Hyuga

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|Forgive my amateur writing|

"Don't worry I promise I wont let you fall." [Name] whispered to Hinata as they both slowly glided over the frozen ice holding each others hand. There was this small pond behind [Name's] house that froze over every winter, [he/she] was itching to show it to Hinata on their date. It was Hinata's first time skating as well which made it memorable. The only problem was that the poor thing was scared to death.

"O-okay." She replied timidly, trying to concentrate on not falling. It was cute watching her face turn red every time she almost slipped and [Name] caught her from falling. "I think I'm getting the hang of it." 

Being a natural frozen pond there were bumpy areas and a few spots of debris scattered around that made skating harder but Hinata felt confident knowing [Name] was with her.   

"That's great! Lets try doing a circle around the pound okay?" [Name] squeezed her hand assuring the dark blue haired girl would be okay. [He/She] ran a hand through [his/her] [color] hair before taking the lead and attempting a small circle with Hinata being pulled behind. 

"See it wasn't so bad huh?" She giggled a bit after accomplishing another small circle on her own. "Th-this is fun [Name], thank you for all of this." [Name] felt [his/her] cheeks heating up a bit at Hinata's joyful giggles, they were very refreshing in a way. "No problem!" There was definite excitement hidden in [his/her] voice.

After a while they both picked up the pace and before they knew it [Name] and Hinata were ice skating perfectly. The aura was warming as the two would split apart and then glide back towards each other once again whilst laughing aloud. The sounds of ice shredding, frosty breaths, and crisp winter air made it the perfect date. 

Everything was great until [Name], who was distracted by Hinata of course, tripped over some debris and ended up pulling Hinata down with [him/her]. They landed with a thud, Hinata on top by chance. [Name] winced on impact but looking up at Hinata through [his/her] wild strands of [color] hair made the pain disappear.

"Are-Are you okay [Name]? Sorry I landed on you." [He/She] brushed Hinata's hair behind her ear before giving a gentle smile and pecking her on the cheek. "Yeah I'm fine but it looks like you fell too haha, sorry I broke my promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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