Jealousy Kills | Naruto Uzamaki

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[Name] was always jealous. She couldn't deny it. Who was she jealous of? Sadly she was ashamed to say that her jealousy directed towards none other than Hinata Hyuga. Hinata and Naruto were meant for each other, that's what everyone said. Everyone except for [Name].

It's not like she wanted to be jealous, the heart wants what the heart wants and there's nothing that can stop it. She tried to hold her tongue and keep her feelings for Naruto quiet but no matter how much restraint she used- nothing could stop it.

Distancing herself from the couple was the only thing keeping her from going insane and holding the infatuation with the blonde Uzumaki back. She went to a place where she could be alone, nobody to provoke her in any way.

She sat under a tree that was quite a distance away from the civility in the village. Nobody but her around, she stared at the dirt trail leading to her exact spot, thinking about the stuff that others would find disgraceful. Who cares though, shes' the only one around so who would know anyways?

Why does it have to be like this? I'm thinking about it again... It should be me in Hinata's place not her. No stop thinking that- Hinata is your friend! How could she be my friend if she took whats mine, maybe I should take it back- No stop thinking this way, [Name's] mind was going crazy on the inside yet she looked normal and calm on the outside.

A small, distant giggle caught her attention, alerting her senses [Name] stared down the dirt trail only to see to faint figures. It was obvious they were coming her way so [Name] hid for unknown reasons. Maybe unconsciously she knew who the two figures' were.

They slowly walked past [Name's] hiding spot, not stopping once because they were unaware someone was watching due to the small jokes and little love words whispered in each other's ears. Being unaware would be their mistake in the end.

[Name's] [eye color] hues held anger and harmful intent. She had been a better friend to Naruto since they were children, she was right there to support and help him while Hinata hid in the background so why was Hinata in [Name's] rightful place next to Naruto?

[Name] bit down on her lip, trying to stop the violent thoughts running through her mind. Just then it clicked, Naruto was just testing her. Trying to see how hard she would work for something that's hers. That was the only logical reason. If that's how Naruto wanted it then [Name] would follow his wishes with no hesitation.

She followed them, her mind made up about what she would do next. Naruto and Hinata still walked, arms linked unknowingly farther away from people and closer to death itself. Every time Hinata giggled and blushed it felt like being stabbed by kunai to [Name]. The gaze [Name] saw Naruto give to the Hyuga was sincere but in the [Surname's] mind it was pure acting on Naruto's part.

[Name] got too careless and snapped a twig, catching the happy couple's attention. "Who's there?" Naruto questioned aloud, stepping forward. [Name] stepped out in plain sight, appearing calm on the outside.

"Oh it's just [Name], Whatcha doing out here?" Naruto questioned, immediately calming down since it was just his friend, nothing to worry about.

"I-I needed to talk to Hinata for a second please, I didn't mean to intrude on your date b-but, it's deadly important." [Name] spoke aloud, eyes glued to Hinata with every word spoken. Hinata smiled and walked forwards to the [h/c] haired [Surname]. Hinata meant to be friendly but just her smile had [Name] trying with all her might to hold back on her.

"We'll be right back Naruto." [Name] grabbed Hinata's hand and led her in a secluded area from Naruto. This was the final act of her plans. "[N-name-chan] what was it you wanted to talk about?" She gave Hinata a smile bigger than any smile you've seen before slowly walking towards the confused Hyuga.


"Oh [Name] what happened to Hinata?" Naruto questioned after you walked out from the secluded area in the forest. "She had to go somewhere, I don't think she'll be coming back."

"What do you mean?" He questioned, taking a step back. [Name] wasn't acting her usual self.

"You see Naruto I passed your secret test, we can be together now!"

//A/N: A request from MarkerriaCilius! Sorry I had to make it Yandere...I couldn't really work with it until I turned it into Yandere >.< 

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