A Black Scarf | Modern Kakashi Hatake

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It blew away. A black scarf. Swaying through the cold winter winds of Tokyo. Past streets, over the lakes, and into a park. Just a lonely park somewhere in Tokyo that not many people visited often.

Anyone who saw the black cloth thought nothing of a scarf blowing through the wind when it passed them by, but little did they know that scarf had great meaning behind it. That scarf was hand made by [Name] [Surname]. Every little stitch put into that scarf had nothing but love in it.

That scarf was made for her lover, Kakashi Hatake. They had recently gotten into an argument with each other, it never happened often but this one was a memorable argument.

[Name] had felt that after that fight their relationship was no longer the same anymore so she decided she was gonna fix it. How? With that little black scarf. After she stitched her feelings into that scarf she prepared to make her way to Kakashi's job and give it to him.

As she walked out of their homey house and into the snowy driveway the scarf was instantly blown out of her hands and before long to high for her height to reach. She was devastated watching the black cloth fade from her sight in the air.

She could've made another one but to her in a weird way that one was special. She felt that exact scarf was gonna wrap up the open holes in her and Kakashi's relationship and stop the cold air from getting into those holes.

After her scarf blew away their was no motivation left in her. Is this supposed to be a sign or something? She thought to herself. She stood in the driveway for a little while longer, letting the snow slowly soak into her shoes and then she turned around with her head down and walked depressingly back into her house.

She walked through the door and let the warm air hug her as she walked straight to her bedroom or you could say her and Kakashi's bedroom. She slipped her shoes off and immediately fell onto the bed with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

With that she fell asleep- letting all her stress and worries wait for her to wake up.

Kakashi wasn't oblivious of the state of their relationship. He wanted to fix it too. After he got home from work his eyes scanned the house.

He knew where you were from instinct and that's where he headed. The bedroom. When he opened the bedroom door he saw [Name's] figure scrunched up on the bed. Her sleeping face may not of shown it but Kakashi could see the distress she had.

He threw off his shoes too and climbed into bed with her. He pulled [Name] close and then held her close with love. They didn't need that scarf to fix the holes in their relationship, just each other.

<><><>Short time-skip<><><>

When [Name] awoke she felt the warmth of another wrapping around her frail frame. Kakashi.

She leaned up out of his arms and looked at Kakashi's face. Her mind thought back to the scarf and she gasped. She wouldn't give up on that scarf (her relationship).

She slipped on her shoes and winter coat quietly and careful not to wake him. I'll just go find it before he wakes up. Why she thought so greatly of a scarf that hadn't provided her any comfort? Who knows.

She walked through the ice cold snow towards the direction the scarf had blown.

She couldn't find it. An hour of searching and she still couldn't find it. The cold was getting to her and her [Skin color] nose turned red whilst the crisp bitter air never stopped trying to pry through her clothes. She lost all her hope and sunk down to her knees allowing the snow to soak through her pants.

Then she felt familiar warmth and looked behind her shoulder. Kakashi was hugging her from behind with passion. She saw him and then the tears came out like a river and her body slightly jumped from small hiccups every now and then.

"I'm so sorry Kakashi." She turned around in his arms and hugged him tightly. His bored eyes softened and he answered back. "I'm sorry too."

You see they didn't need that black scarf to fix everything. They just needed each other's presence.

A/N: Wow all that over a scarf...that's some deep bonding right there! XD Another request from my cousin, Frostybliss!!! Thanks for reading!

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