Sensei I Know Your Secret | Kakashi Hatake

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Kakashi was sitting under a tree reading his book while you just sat criss-crossed in front of him extremely amused with his expressions as he read his book. "Kakashi Hatake." You randomly called out to the masked man. His one uncovered eye met your [Eye color] orbs slowly with a bored expression. "Oh [Name] I didn't notice you there."

He took one last glance at his book before closing it. "I've been here for like an hour!" You stated with your mouth wide open. "You have? Well look at your improving ninja skills!" A sweat drop fell from his face.

'How could I not of noticed her?' The man questioned himself silently.

"Anyways I have a proposal for you." You rested your head on your hand and Kakashi's eyebrow raised itself curiously. "And what would your proposal be?"

"Well first, I know your secret Sensei." You tried to fluster him in a flirting manner. The secret you knew was what was under his mask but the man with hair defying gravity took your statement the wrong way.

She knows what happened the other day... Kakashi had an entirely different secret which he thought you knew about. His secret was that he had walked in on Might Guy naked accidentally. "Secret? I don't have any secrets and I'm not your Sensei." He tried to slyly brush off your comment as if it never happened.

"Really does your secret just so happened to be something unclothed?" Kakashi's usual slumped eyes shot wide. Unclothed? Unclothed?

"I don't know what your talking about." He opened his book quickly and secretly hid his face behind it. "Really? You saw it and I saw it, we both saw it, your acting is futile at this point." He stared at you and stayed silent.

"Okay so my proposal, Lets just go get some dango together." His eye returned to its slouching position.
"Sure if you don't tell anyone about my secret." He smiled through his mask slightly. 


*Time skip brought to you by Orochimaru's snakes!*

"Mmmmh this dango is so good! Are enjoying your?" You gulped down the dango with closed eye and a small cat purr. "I'm guessing your expecting me to pay?" Kakashi sat at the table partly reading and partly paying attention to your ecstatic attitude. "I was thinking we go half but....mmmh, if you want to pay full price I won't argue mmmmh."

You finished your dango and looked up at your company while his eyes were glued to his book. After wiping your face off you decided to speak up. "H-hey about your secret.."

Kakashi's face returned to its shocked expression. "You're not gonna tell anyone right?"

"Oh no! I j-just wanted to know if you could show me it?" Kakashi's only showing eye widened. "Why would you want to see it? It's extremely.."

"Handsome!" You Yelled out blushing. You did think Kakashi was handsome whether he had his mask on or not. Kakashi leaned down towards your face and spoke just above a whisper. "Listen if you want to see Guy naked don't consult me about it, talk to Guy in person." Your flustered face merged into disgust.

"Ewwww why would I want to see Guy naked? I was talking about your mask, you know what's under your mask? I saw you take it off the other day.." You yelled, attracted unwanted attention throughout the dango shop as the masked man tried to stop you from making a crowd.

"Hey we should go somewhere else, people are staring heh."

*Another time skip brought to you by Kakashi's Sharingan!*

"So you thought...haha, that I saw you catch Guy naked? Hahaha!" Kakashi started blushing under his mask. You and Kakashi had settled with an agreement, he'll walk you home and explain the whole situation if you kept quiet about it. "Ahh yeah!" He scratched the back of his head.

You let your laughter die down and then responded. "I won't tell anybody so don't worry."

"I figured you wouldn't."

"Still can I see your face one more time at least?" You blushed as you mustered up the courage to ask one more time. Kakashi sighed reluctantly pulled his mask down, more willingly than usual.

When you saw his face you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up even more than they already were. Kakashi slightly annoyed and slightly flustered at the same time caught your attention and you decided if he wasn't gonna pull a move you would pull one instead.

You and Kakashi made awkward chit chat until you arrived at your the entrance of your clan's estate. "T-thanks for the dango and....walking me home K-kakashi." You stuttered while the two of you stood in front of the dark estate. Everyone in your clan must've been home and sleeping, after all it was late at night.

"Yup, seeya [Name]." Kakashi started walking away but you stopped him by tugging on his vest. This was where you would pull a move.

He looked back and you quickly placed a kiss on his cheek before turning quickly and running through the entrance of the [Surname] estate. After you reached home within the estate you placed your hands on the red cheeks appaarent on your face and whispered to yourself.

"Goodnight Kakashi-sensei."

A/N: A one-shot for The_Eternal_Snow! Thanks for reading and sorry for the mistakes throughout the story!

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