I'm In Love | Sasuke Uchiha

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You were a Konoha ninja, a Konoha ninja who belonged to an Anbu team or also knon as hunter-nin. Today your team had stumbled upon a S-ranked rouge ninja you all had been hunting for months so to celebrate, you and your team had decided to have dinner at the Yakiniku grill.

Which rarely happened because well your part of the Anbu what do you expect?

"Today was a lucky day guys so eat up!" Everyone in the group clinked their glasses together with a cheer!

"To think there are more rouge ninjas in the bingo book we need to catch." One of the blonde Anbu members in your group stated, loudly. As the group carried on about the bingo book you couldn't help but notice the hooded figure sitting at the table beside you and your groups table.

The figure was broad and on the back of his black hooded cape thingy was a Uchiha symbol. Could he be an Uchiha?

"Well what about Itachi Uchiha? He's gonna be a hard one to catch." The brunette Anbu member chimed in. "We don't really have to worry about that scum bag, I heard his own brother killed him off."

"I don't think you guys should be bad mouthing him." You mentioned aloud. Your group had the tendencies to gossip a lot and today you weren'tin the mood to put up with it. "Why shouldn't we [Name]? Itachi is the sick ninja who killed his own clan so who cares." The blonde anbu waved her hands in the air.

"You don't know why he did it so you shouldn't go around badmouthing Itachi Uchiha's situation or let alone himself." You defended the rouge ninja. You were gonna go on and lecture your team more but the sound of glass breaking shut everyone up.

Your [Eye color] hues located where the sound was coming from. The table where the hooded figure sat. In his hand was a broken cup like he had gripped it too hard and it just broke. Every customer in the grill had their eyes on the hooded figure until he or she walked out of the grill without another sound.

Once the figure left, the homey grill filled with voices and laughter once again. "I'm gonna leave early okay guys."

"Ahh why [Name]? It's not even that late." The brunette in your team looked at you with raised eyebrows. "I know but I'm tired and I'll see you guys tomorrow, we are in the same team you know."

After you got up and left the grill you walked past little shops and markets while staring at your feet the whole time. For some reason today you were just in a funk. You were so caught up in your funk and staring down at your feet as you took each step you walked right into something or more like someone.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was looking." When you looked up you saw that the person you were apologizing to it was none other than the Sasuke Uchiha himself. "Y-your Sasuke Uchiha." He had the same exact hood on as the person you saw in the bar.

"And your one of the idiots who was bad mouthing my brother." He grabbed you by your collar and picked you up off the ground slightly. "You know nothing about him, I should-

"Yo Sasuke you should chill, you don't want to cause a scene now." You looked over to see a white haired male gripping Sasuke's shoulder as if to calm him down but Sasuke grip still remained on your shirt collar.

"If you were that guy in t-the bar then you should of heard I defended him when m-my team was bad-mouthing your brother." You choked out as fear ran through your bones. After you tried to struggle Sasuke let go of your collar suddenly and you fell to the ground.

"Hn." He grunted and walked away with his white haired friend. As your eyes followed his slowly fading figure you felt it. Your chest was beating but not from fear, something else. Your cheeks heated up and turned a deep shade of red.

You placed a hand on your chest to calm your beating heart then you mumbled to yourself as you stared at the empty space where Sasuke's dark figure had faded with distance.

"I'm in love."

A/N: Okay I always have the toughest time writing about Sasuke because I always make him seem too OOC but I tried my best. I tried doing my research about the Anbu so please don't murder me if I didn't get the Anbu/Hunter-nin facts right heh. P.s: So Yakiniku is not something im familiar with but its sorta like the place Choji always eats at...

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