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You have now entered Chat Room Omega, the official UNSC emergency chat room. Anything said on this chat is being recorded unless strictly given orders not to.

"AI" is monitoring Chat Room Omega

"Agent_Carolina" has entered Chat Room Omega.

"Admiral_Omega" has entered Chat Room Omega

AI: Be aware that this conversation is being recorded.

Admiral_Omega: Dismissed AI, Carolina, is Agent Washington Alive? And also how is the planet of Chorus, I heard about the fact that Chorus is under attack. I have 2 UNSC Frigates on their way to you as fast as they can go to take care of Michael Hargrove's ship. However you will have to deal with the ground forces. I am sorry but i can only use my influence to send a very small group.

Agent_Carolina: Yes sir, Agent Washington is alive and well. He is leading the remainder of the soldiers through drills. We need help now, the reds and blues are stuck on Hargrove's ship, they aren't getting out without some help and Epsilon went dark. He isn't responding. And then we can't send any pelicans or falcons up without them getting shot out of the air by Hargrove.

Admiral_Omega: The reds and blues? The actual ones. Wow. Okay. My forces are enroute. Hang tight. If you can survive for another week then we will be there to help. In the meantime tell me everything, start from where Epsilons transmission cut off.


My name is Agent Carolina, yes like the state. Except my brother died 4 years ago. On his first mission for his father, our father, the Director. For 4 years we freelancers have been going through hell and we have lost many, actually almost all. Too many so called freelancers are missing or dead, mostly dead. York is the only one who may have found a way to cheat death once again. We started with 50 freelancers, now all that is left is Wash, The Meta or Maine, I don't know what he is anymore, and me, I know, obviously right? We are down to 3 freelancers, actually only 2, Meta went AWOL. He is unaccounted for but I know he is alive. There is something that will haunt me and it is the penetrating gaze that my father has. But let me introduce myself.

I am Agent Carolina of the now Underground and Illegal Project Freelancer. My actual name, is Carolina Church and I am one of the final freelancers alive. And my father is the Director. The creator and leader of a project that killed my brother, my friends,and my family, I have no father anymore. I know him only as the Director. This is the story about how I became the second best until I was the best. This is the story of about how I lost my father. This is the story about the collapse of the internal infrastructure reds and blues. This is the story of how we lost it all, made new friends, lost best friends,and made our final decision.

To think it all started when I was back on the Mother of Invention. Such a long time ago I put on this helmet for the first time. And I miss the others, the family of freelancers. But I never said goodbye. Cause if you don't say bye, then you never really left. Right now i am now commanding two armies of about maybe 100 people left on a planet. Everyone is looking towards Washington as their leader. But the reds and blues. They are legends on this planet. Their stupidity that became heroic and in all honesty they are now part of my family. But here is the thing, Hargrove has thousands to our hundred, He has plenty of food while we are scavenging, he has plenty of ammo and we are nearing the end of what we have. Hargrove has us cornered in a cave while he has a ship. We are outnumbered, outgunned, and out of our league. I know that we have lost a number of heroic lives such as Donald Doyle, he sacrificed himself to blow up the city of Armonia, all to try to even out the odds a bit. To give us the edge we needed to take down those two bastards Locus and Felix. But what we have on Chorus is a group of people who are scared.

I tried to contact the Director of Project Freelancer and i got to him. He said he would come in person. He would bring the last 3 freelancer with him. He would bring York, Maine, and he would bring Connie. These names don't mean anything to you, but they mean that there are now 5 freelancers still alive. That a tenth of the original crew is alive. But if and when you see a ship called the Father Of Invention. Don't shoot it down or i will have the army of Chorus shoot your ships out of the sky. That is a promise.

Enough on me however. Now I want to know what you can do for me Admiral.

Admiral_Omega: All you can do is keep my son alive.

Agent_Carolina: Yes sir, your son?

Admiral_Omega: Yes. Keep me appraised. When you are ready to continue I will be ready for you.

"Agent _Carolina" Has left Chat Room Omega.

The Director's Daughter: Part Two Of The Freelancer SagaWhere stories live. Discover now