Chapter 1 | Invisible

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What a crimson night

My optimism and quick reflexes has kept me in one piece during the several bloodshed expeditions I've embarked to for six years. The Survey Corps hasn't gotten close to exterminating the Titans from our resplendent lands. I wonder when the spark of discovery will make its appearance. The three demensional maneuver gear that helps us navigate in the air puts a huge strain in my muscles when battling Titans. The tight straps holding my body upright has already made a mark on my skin claiming it like a tattoo.

I hear the wails of my comrades hide themselves in the back of my head so I can encounter them in my nightmares. My blades are dripping with Titan blood meanwhile my entire Scouting Legion Uniform is soaked with the blood of dozens of comrades laying scattered in pieces from the attack of ten sudden abnormals. The last Titan measuring about ten meters high falls down without mercy. My keen, shady blades find themselves perforated in the red puddle next to a dead corpse that used to be filled with life, hope and dreams.

I land in kneeling position. I take a hesitate glance at my surroundings, afraid for the evident results. Heafty clouds conceal the vision of a nice afternoon. I mollify the fresh adrenaline running through my veins as I realize I'm the last one alive. My golden hair is now moist with sticky blood, the smell warm and queasy. Few strands of my hair stick to my grubby face. I lift my forearm to rub the itchiness on my nose but cringe at the warm liquid coating my nostrils and upper lips.

"Divergent." My ears twitch at the familiar sound. I rapidly spin around to the several lifeless bodies around the perimeter. Rain begins to pour down towards the crimson earth like if the gods were crying because of our sudden defeat. "Athena." I hear my real name being called once again in a hoarse voice. Grabbing both blades, I trudge towards the right until I espy the male voice a few feet away from me. My quivering hand hovers over my mouth and I yawl as I fall in my knees in complete devastation. I use one of my blades to keep me upright.

"Zack." Our hands slip when I hold him because of the excessive blood but I regain a tight grip on him. "Zack." I whimper and hover my hand over the deep wound in his abdomen.

He winces at my soft touch. "You're safe." He sighs in relief. His chocolate eyes are bleeding gradually, a huge scratch decorates his pale cheek.

"How could this happen?" The waterfalls comes running down my cheeks. I remove my green coat to add pressure.

"Don't." He attempts to shove it away from me but I insist adding pressure to his wound. He clenches his teeth. "Darn it D-divergent." He clenches his fist.

"You'll be back for the next expedition." I snivel. "Understand?"

"You've been a splendid soldier." He whispers. "I'm proud to..." He breathes with an exertion. " have trained you." He shuts his eyes.

My Name's Divergent | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now