Chapter 5 | Sam's Panic Attack

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|Published November 14, 2016|Pacific Time

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|Published November 14, 2016|
Pacific Time


What does he cavet?
- Divergent

"Fifteen minutes before the gate opens. Begin formation!" Squad leader Ferno Delasty shouts to the Survey Corps.

I watch the forty-year-old Ferno Delasty sitting on his seal brown horse a couple meters behind me. He has gray, deep set eyes, black clipper cut hairstyle with a faint tan complexion. A faint scar starting from his left cheekbone travels down his jaw. I wonder why he isn't back home protecting his wife and son. Perhaps fighting titans will be essential for his family's safety.

I face forward and ride my horse in back of Squad Leader Hange whose placed right next to Erwin's left meanwhile Mike Zacharius is placed on Erwin's right. The sun is heating the back of my scalp with great potential. At least no rain will accompany this expedition.

I take notice Erwin Smith has added more soldiers for this expedition. The number increased to one-hundred-sixty, a small yet substantial difference from the one-hundred-fifty soldiers who attended last expedition three months ago. It's already been three months since Zack's death. Three months I left the Special Operation Squad. It's been three months I haven't seen Levi.

"Short freak." I murmur under my breath. I puff a strand of my brunette hair away from my forehead. The Commander ordered me two months ago to dye my hair into my original color and remain my hair shoulder length.

Having fifteen minutes of nothing to do but wait for my five senses to kick in, I scan our formation to notice two unusual soldiers situated in the middle section. I've never seen those two before. Next transfer of rookies is until the end of February and we're just hitting the end of September. Vexed by the unfamiliar faces, I ride my horse in between Hange and Erwin.

"Commander Erwin." I whisper, catching the attention of Erwin, Hange and Mike.

"What's the matter?" Erwin sends me his undivided attention.

"I hope my assumptions are incorrect." I remain a suitable volume.

"Permission to speak." Erwin says. I lean closer to him, afraid my assumptions may be true. Noticing my action, Erwin leans closer to me until leaving a small space to look at one another.

"The transfer of trainees takes place the end of February, does it?" I ask.

"Yes." He leans away. "Why the question?"

"I don't want to sound ignorant." I hold onto my horse reins. "I have the habit to note all faces in the Survey Corps. Who's new?" I bite my inner lips. "Who's not new." I glimpse around. "Including those that don't belong in the Survey Corps."

"Specify?" Erwin furrows his bushy eyebrows.

"There's two cadets I've never seen before down the middle section." Erwin's pupils dilate and sends Mike a vigilant look.

My Name's Divergent | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now