Chapter 6 | Altercation

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CHAPTER VI | ALTERCATIONSwords drawn to difference

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Swords drawn to difference

I pry my eyes open to catch sight of a long white bonnet above me, side boards on both sides where I lay. My body quivers from a familiar surface, a rocky road. Am I one of the several dead soldiers in this expedition, watching themselves being transferred for incineration? I recall the blood running down my head. Could that have declared my death?

The wagon halts abruptly sending my body to slide forward, hitting my upper head on the front board. I fiercely rub the sharp pain off my head. "Bloody hell." I curse. Seems my nerve and muscular system remain active and intact, not suffering from paralysis.

I hear several horse hooves outside and familiar veterans murmur around the wagon. Are we still outside the walls?

"Unload the cargo before night wins us over." I hear Ferno Delasty order from afar. Someone who I didn't expect enters the wagon.

"You're finally awake." Levi says.

"What happen?" I run my fingers on my forehead. No blood, stains my fingers. Levi kneels in front of me.

He inspects my head in a gentle manner. "The impact from the horse fall could have been the cause of your blackout." His mysteries blue eyes veer towards my own. "How's your vision?" He leans forward until the tip of our noses are only a few centimeters apart.

"Perfect." I gulp silently. I can smell his fresh scent mixed with the iron of blood. I quickly scan his features, red stains his cheek and forehead with his raven hair straighter than the normal. Still alluring and attractive. "Where are we?" I stand upright in a scheme to impede any emotions to arise within me.

"Headquarters." He rises from the wooden board, dusting his knees.

I gasp. "Headquarters?" I jump off the wagon to indeed be inside our secured premises. A four story building surrounds the main area I'm standing in, into a perfect square. I see the familiar fifteen-meter statue placed in the center, proving once again its beauty of detailed expressions. Levi holds my arms for balance. "I'm alright now." I beckon him to release me. "Thanks." I roll my shoulders and massage my neck. "How long was I out?

"A week."

"A week?!" I rub my wrist and hands. I can feel the hairs growing already. "That was quite a blackout." I discretely touch my cheek in need of the same treatment. "Who found me?" I avoid eye contact.

"I did. Your horse was being too rowdy. I went to calm the obnoxious creature to a minimal level but discovered you..." He removes his green coat. " the brink of death." He lifts his eyebrows meanwhile folding the sweater. "A filthy mess you were."

"Nice description, Sir." I send him a fake smile.

"Well, heads up. You're back in the Special Operation Squad." He leaves me widely in shock.

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