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This is inspired by Zelink Week 2016's 3rd day prompt: Scars. Once I started writing, I couldn't stop so this will be a multi-chapter story. xD All rights go to Nintendo; however, the plot is mine. 

Hope you enjoy, and if you feel so inclined, please drop a comment down below! Thanks!



Published as of 12/19/15

Edited as of 08/30/17


"Your Highness, I've been sent here to notify you that you have been summoned by the king!" a servant informed me with a slight bow, using her hand to motion in the direction of the throne room.

As if I needed her to make me aware - I could hear my father bellow loudly even from my chambers which are several corridors away. Taking off into a brisk jog, I could still hear him calling for me while I passed through multiple halls made of rough sandstone many years ago. His calls steadily increased in volume the closer I came to the throne room, and a cool breeze traveled along with me as I ran before coming to a halt in the front of the large room.

"Link! Don't make me call more than once!" my father, king of the Gerudo, raised his gruff voice again before taking notice of me. His arms were crossed, and he stood near his large throne in a commanding stance.

I hurried to the front and stood next to my father. "Yes, your Majesty?" I asked, confused as my father motioned ahead of us. A girl who seemed to be around my age struggled as she was brought into the room by several of Nabooru's strongest warriors. She was thrown to the ground and stubbornly refused to look either me or my father in the eyes. Spears and scimitars were threateningly thrust in her face, but her jaw was set determinedly.

"I think it's about time that you've gotten a lesson in deciding a criminal's fate," my father stated stonily, motioning once more to the girl on the ground. His gaze hardened at the "criminal". "It's one of the many duties you will be tasked with once you've ascended to the throne."

"But, Father – She's a girl!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking embarrassingly. "She can't even be older than me!" My heart was moved, oddly enough, and I felt a wave of compassion wash over me.

"A dangerous girl," my father corrected gravely. "She's the Princess of Hyrule, well trained in the art of warfare. She is a threat to our people if left alive. She must die."

The girl kept her gaze on the ground, but I could have sworn that she had muttered something.

"Did you say something, prisoner?" my father asked, his voice lowering dramatically to almost a growl.

The girl finally raised her eyes and looked at us levelly. She intrigued me. Her eyes were a bright blue – like mine. I had never before seen someone like me – someone with blue eyes and blonde hair. She lifted a chained hand to tuck a strand of dirty blonde hair behind her ear. Her dress was tattered and torn, but she still looked the part of a princess. "You will never get away with this, Ganondorf," she stated softly, glaring at my father.

Her arms were covered with bruises, and scratches painted her face. Her lips were drawn into a determined line, and she held her head high. "You will never get away with this treason, Ganondorf," she repeated. Her voice never wavered, and her steady gaze on my father never broke.

"What do you think, son? Worthy of the death penalty for her insolence, isn't she?" my father asked, directing his glare at the Princess.

"You will never get away with this, Ganondorf – You have betrayed Hyrule for the darkness of your own heart," the Princess declared. "You have committed every possible crime, including the fact that you lie to this Hylian. He has grown up thinking that he is your son with simply a Hylian mother – But he is not. You kidnapped him from his parents! How is that honest? How is that right?"

Scars of a Caged Bird | Zelink MedievalWhere stories live. Discover now