Chapter I

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for checking out this story! I'm so grateful for everyone that has read the prologue and now this new chapter. You guys are amazing! I can't believe I wrote this in 2 days, but I did. Consider it my Christmas gift to you all for being amazing readers – assuming of course, you celebrate Christmas. (I do.) Anyways... On to the story! ;)

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Published as of 12/21/15

Edited as of   


"Prince Link!" I heard a servant call. I rolled my eyes and jumped off my bed, brushing past a barrier of silken scarves that served as curtains dividing my quarters and walking in the direction of the summon.

"Yes?" I responded, boots thumping on the wooden floor. I was fairly different from the rest of my Gerudo kin as far as shoes went, always favoring my boots over the traditional sandals or curled-toe, silk slippers that most Gerudo wore. All my clothing was loose, a typical style for most Gerudo garb, as it was extremely hot here in the Desert. I felt a breeze sweep through the corridor I was standing in and reveled in its coolness.

"Your father and Lady Nabooru are waiting in the dining lounge for the arrival of both you and your guest," the servant, Aziz, stated.

"Ah, thanks, Aziz," I answered with a nod. "And where might my guest be?" I questioned. I doubted that the Princess would know where the dining lounge was.

"I believe she is still in her quarters, preparing herself for dinner," Aziz replied, pointing down the hall at the Princess's chambers.

"Thanks again, Aziz," I responded, beginning to make my way down the hall to the Princess's quarters. I had just arrived at her door when she stepped out. She wore a flowing, orange silk dress, along with a saddened expression, and I forced myself to crush all feelings of compassion for her within me. She most likely deserved worse than death, and here she was - alive and well. She should be grateful for the mercy I showed her two days ago.

Father wanted her to stay here, as a hostage under my care, since I had refused to issue her execution. I could tell that he was disappointed in my decision, but I just couldn't do it - I believed it was her eyes... They were just too startling for me to forget, ever. "Good morning," I stated, offering my arm.

She merely nodded in return, without taking my extended arm. Her blue eyes remained dull, lacking life and emotion. Perhaps I could make her stay more enjoyable by offering her books and a tour of the Fortress.

We walked down to the dining lounge where my father and my older sister, Nabooru, were waiting. Nabooru took care of all the weapons in the Fortress and directed all missions beyond the Fortress perimeter. She was a fierce leader, unafraid of anything. I looked up to her.

"Hey, Link," Nabooru called from her chair directly next to our father. When he wasn't looking, she sent me a quick wink. I loved my sister.

I was quick to greet her back, "Hey Nabooru."

"I see you've brought your charge, huh, Link?" Nabooru questioned with a glance directed at the Princess.

I pulled out the chair for the Princess, and she seated herself. I then pulled out my own chair and sat down as well. The Princess kept her stony gaze directed ahead, without acknowledging anyone's presence. "I suppose so," I shrugged noncommittally, reminding myself of the promise I'd made that I would be indifferent toward her.

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