Chapter IV

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"Link!" Zelda called from Relena's house. Several months had passed since her capture, and we had both become decently comfortable with each other.

"Coming, Zel!" I answered. I ran to find Zelda, except she was nowhere in my sight. "Uh, Zel? Where are you?"

"I'm right here, Link," Zelda responded, and my heart stopped beating in my chest. She was literally sitting on top of the roof!

"Zelda! What in the Gerudo Valley are you doing?!" I exclaimed, readying myself to catch her if I had to.

Zelda's silvery laugh echoed through the Fortress. "Silly! I'm sitting on the roof!" she laughed again as though she didn't have a care in the world.

"I know – This may sound like a stupid question," I began sarcastically, "But, why?"

"C'mon, Link. I just helped Relena clean her house, and she said that I should climb on the roof to enjoy the view – And I would be enjoying the view – If there weren't all these ridiculously huge walls surrounding the place," she answered. "Hey, Link – You should join me!" she motioned for me to climb up as well.

I sighed. She could make me do almost anything. "OK, Zelda. I'm coming up." I began to use the rocks on the side of the house as footholds to help me scale the wall. This was crazy but surprisingly fun. I would have to talk to Relena about her bad influence on Zelda, though. I couldn't have Zelda doing this without me there to catch her. She could hurt herself!

Wow – Now I just sound like a sap... That is sad. I made it to the top of the flat-topped house and sat down next to Zelda on the roof. Our feet dangled over the edge of the roof carelessly, and we both laughed childishly. This was actually really fun.

Sadly, Zelda had been right. The Fortress walls completely blocked out all the view of the Desert. I craned my neck in an attempt to peek over the tall walls and failed horribly.

"See?" Zelda asked pointedly. She entwined her hand in mine and smiled, not looking at me.

"Zel – Do you want to see the Desert?" I questioned.

"I do; I think the Desert is so beautiful. There's so much sand everywhere, and I think that's so nice. We don't have sand at Castle Town. To be able to run my hand through warm sand is just so – so pleasant. I never would have thought that sand could be so enjoyable," Zelda concluded. A soft Desert breeze blew through, playing with her blonde curls.

"I can take you to see the Desert," I suggested, knowing the perfect place.

Zelda's eyes lit up in excitement like a child on Christmas Day. "Really?"

"Yeah – Let's go," I responded. "Stay here," I commanded, beginning to make my way down the side of the house once more. I then stood slightly below where Zelda was seated on the roof. "Jump."

"Are you sure?" Zelda questioned uncertainly.

"Positive; just jump," I reassured her. I held my arms open, and Zelda jumped. I caught her easily, and she just laughed her beautiful laugh once more.

"Leaving so soon, Zelda?" Relena asked, appearing at the doorway to her house. Twin scimitars were strapped to her back, and she stood with her hands on her hips, watching us, a smile spreading across her face.

"Yup; Link's taking me to see the Desert from – somewhere," Zelda answered, still resting in my arms.

"Oh, OK. Thanks so much for help in cleaning the house; it was a wreck before you came along. It's just too much for me to handle on my own, especially because I don't have the time, and I'm still not married," Relena responded.

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