Chapter VII

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Hey peeps! Um... I don't know if anyone caught this, but there was a major inconsistency in the prologue or first chapter or something where the voice – who we now know is Sheik – mentions the king along with someone named "Frederick." Yeah, his name is actually Arvid. Oops... If you ever see any inconsistencies, please feel free to review or PM me... Especially since these Roman numerals are mind-boggling. ;)


     "I am Sheik," the figure stated, lifting his hood, revealing a young man of around my stature with wheat-colored hair and piercing red eyes. His voice was gravelly and husky, and he wore a cowl over his mouth, muffling his speech slightly.

Zelda's ocean blue eyes flickered over to mine briefly before she spoke. "My brother," she added, drawing close to Sheik. She passed Nabila to Nabooru, and Sheik pulled her into a hug, and she rested a head on his chest. "Are you OK, big brother?" she asked, lifting her head a bit in order to look up at Sheik.

I wasn't expecting this turn of events, but I supposed it did make sense. I felt a twinge of jealousy pang through my heart but quickly reminded myself that Sheik was her brother, and that they had been parted for quite some time, Zelda being a hostage at a foreign Fortress.

"I'm fine, Zel," Sheik responded, hugging her back closely. He kissed the top of her head and smoothed down her frizzy blonde hair.

I felt sticky from sweat, and little beads of perspiration rolled down my forehead. I wiped the back of my hand across my forehead, still watching the scene before me unfold.

"What's going on with everyone at home?" Zelda questioned, her voice cracking slightly. I could tell she was stressed out, as we all were. She pushed strands of sweaty blonde hair away from her face, and her brows furrowed in concern.

"Actually, Father still hasn't noticed that you're gone; Katrin has, however, and is becoming suspicious," Sheik answered.

Zelda sighed slightly in relief. "Have they hurt you at all, Sheik?" Her voice was full of concern and love for her brother.

Sheik shook his head. "I'm unharmed, though Arvid did attempt to chop my head off," he chuckled shallowly.

"Sheik!" Zelda exclaimed, "He almost used a sword against you?" her blue eyes filled with tears. "How could he?"

"The same way he and Father could beat you without any remorse or regret," Sheik responded. "But don't worry, Zelda. I'll always be here to protect you."

"As will I," I added in boldly.

Zelda cast a soft smile my way. "Thank you both so much." She gave Sheik one last hug before turning to face me. She then wrapped her arms around me, and I responded in a similar fashion. She laid her head on my chest like how she had done when with Sheik.

She was engulfed in my arms, and I could feel Sheik looking upon us fondly. "You're Reneer and Kirstin Adema's son, aren't you?" he asked, his red eyes piercing my cobalt ones.

I hesitated for a second then nodded when Zelda nodded inconspicuously against my chest. "I believe so."

"You'll one day meet them, I'm sure," Sheik gave a small smile.

"I hope so," I agreed. "Are you the one in Zelda's room that one night?" I asked curiously.

Sheik threw back his head and laughed. "Yes, I was. I was checking up on my little sister. It had taken some time to find her, but I had. Imagine my surprise when someone comes to the door and starts asking for Zelda."

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