Chapter VI

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Hey peeps! I know I am, like, two days early, but I had so much fun writing this chapter that I wanted to post this so badly! BTW – This chapter is only going up on Wattpad for now; I'll post it on FFN on Sunday like normal. :) Enjoy! :D


Nabooru and I walked to the main Fortress night silently, consumed by our individual thoughts. As the cool Desert wind whipped around me, I realized that I hadn't seen the stars yet because Nabs had called me before I had the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful, in my opinion at least, sights in the world.

We entered the main building reluctantly and were met by Aziz. He wrapped an arm around Nabs, squeezing her shoulders. "Everything will work out fine, Nabooru," he assured her.

"LINK! NABOORU!" we heard our "father" bellow.

"Somehow I highly doubt that," I stated, my unique blue eyes flashing with both fear and determination.

Aziz made a feeble attempt at a joke, smiling weakly. "How could you think that?"

"We are going to die!" Nabooru exclaimed dramatically. However, in the case of our "father," her exclamation may not have been that much of an exaggeration.

We all walked to Ganondorf's throne room and peeked into the room from behind the large door tentatively. "GET IN HERE!" my father yelled, causing us all to jump slightly.

Nabooru kissed Aziz softly, and he gave her a careful hug. "See you two when you guys get out of there," Aziz nodded at me.

So much for all that dinner preparation Aziz and the other servants had gone to all that trouble to prepare. I knew that both Nabs and I had missed it, as did Zelda, meaning the only one that ate tonight was my father. Wait a second – Where was Zelda anyways?

"If we get out of there," Nabs grumbled, her amber eyes flashing in annoyance. She hated it when Ganondorf got upset because it only meant more work for us.

Nabs and I entered the room, wincing when our "father" began throwing random projectiles at us that had been in the room beforehand, just minding their businesses; poor objects. Included in our father's barrage were heavy objects, such as chairs – Did I mention that Ganondorf was extremely strong?

We had to duck and dodge the thrown items as Ganondorf threw his head back in rage. I almost completely stopped in shock when I saw someone beside him – Ren.

What was he doing here? He simply smirked at me, eyeing me and Nabs evenly in turn. He had an air of arrogant victory about him – something I didn't like; it was something that made me hope this wasn't what I thought it was.

"Link," my father hissed angrily. His amber eyes narrowed at me and burned with hatred. This was something I had never seen directed to me before, at least not by anyone except for Ren. His arms were folded over his chest, and he took on a commanding stance.

The throne room was completely destroyed. Tapestries that had hung on these walls for years were shredded as though they were inexpensive and non-important. Even though I wasn't a Gerudo by birth, the Gerudo culture was still my own, so the thought of those historic, irreplaceable tapestries being ruined like that was infuriating.

Ancient vases lay on the floor, smashed and shattered into millions of tiny pieces. Tables were overturned, and the once tidy throne room looked as though a sandstorm had ripped through it, destroying everything in its path, which I suppose, if you view my father as a sandstorm, that was exactly what happened.

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