Chapter III

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Published as of 01/06/16

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I entered my quarters, searching for my daggers. I had forgotten them in my quick exit from my room this morning, due to Aziz's abrupt call for breakfast. I tucked them into my leather belt, concealed under my long, green tunic.

After retrieving my daggers, I exited my room once more, heading to the dining lounge, hoping to find Zelda. I didn't find her but, instead, bumped into Aziz. "Hey, Aziz," I called out.

"Ah, hello, Prince Link – exactly who I was looking for," Aziz responded, shifting on his feet clumsily.

"What's wrong, Aziz?" I asked, raising a brow. Aziz never acted like this.

"You are aware that tomorrow is Lady Nabooru's birthday, right?" Aziz asked.

I mentally smacked myself. How could I forget that tomorrow is Nabs's birthday? I laughed awkwardly. "Uh – I – I – Of course, I remember, Aziz. How could I forget Nabs's birthday?" Although Nabs was technically a "princess," if you will, she didn't receive the same respect I received because a) she was a girl, and b) she wasn't the heir to the "throne". I received the title of prince and more because I was the heir.

Nabs, on the other hand, was less fortunate. She was known, not as Princess Nabooru, but as Lady Nabooru. There were also other differences between our privileges as "children" of Ganondorf. But – Back to Aziz –

"I don't know, Prince Link, but I, for one, am incapable of forgetting her birthday at the current state of my emotions," Aziz stated.

I froze for a moment, trying to figure out what he meant by that. It then struck me that this might be his way of admitting that he had feelings for her – What? Aziz liked Nabs? Was I missing something? "Are you saying what I think you're saying, Aziz?" I questioned, raising both my brows this time.

Aziz kept his gaze directed at the floor as he nodded slightly. I wasn't totally sure of its meaning, but I took it. "You like Nabs," I repeated, eyeing the poor servant boy.

Aziz nodded once more, and I immediately went into over-protective brother mode. "How old are you?" I asked. I was twenty-one, and Nabs was twenty-six. I definitely wanted Nabs to marry a man older than her, and she had even stated before that she was never going to marry a man younger than her for whatever reason. Don't ask me; she's weird.

"Twenty-eight," Aziz muttered, probably regretting admitting his feelings to me.

"Check," I began, going through a mental list in my head of characteristics I wanted to be present in Nabs's future husband. "Are you a hard worker?" I asked, not waiting for an answer. "Check. Are you kind? Check. Are you good at helping people? Check. Are you nice to Nabs's younger brother? Check? Do you love Nabs?" I glanced at him for this one, waiting for a response.

"I do; I love Nabooru," Aziz nodded, his voice growing firmer with confidence.

"Check," I nodded. "And you're good with kids – Bonus. I approve of you for Nabs, Aziz. If she loves you back, then go get her, boy!" I exclaimed jokingly. I was excited thinking about the prospect of having Aziz in the family as an older brother. That would be awesome, and Aziz really was like a second father to me, though I never realized he was that young. Oops...

"I'm grateful for your approval and consent, Prince Link," Aziz stated with a bow.

"Aw, none of that – Call me Link," I requested, a grin spreading across my face.

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