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"Woke up,lazy ass! What time is it?" My grandma shouted me. I rub my eyes and look at the clock. 06.00 am. School will start at 07.15 am. I's so earlier. I take a bath and eat my breakfast quickly. "Mom,imma go! Bye!" I yelled after brush my teeth. "Be careful when crossing the highway!" My mom yelled from my brother's room. She's about to waking him up. I grab my pack and started to walk at the alley of my house. Yes,I must walk till the end of the alley then crossing the highway and go to school with public transportation. My step father won't take care anything of me,so I'm doing all by myself. I come to my friend,Wanda when I was arrived at school. "Hey. I heard that your teacher will resetting your seats at class and he will sort it from 1st to the last rank. Is that true?" She asked. "Yes." I simply answered. "I'll sit next to're 3th and he's 4th,I know..." she said. "Just don't be nervous." She continued. "It's not a problem. I will not get nervous. It just,I don't know how awkward it will be. We never talking to each other like in million years." I said. "Nah. This time is your chance to get closer to him again. I know you're not the only one who in love with him. That's why you must fighting." She explained. Yes,there's another girl in my class who seems fell with him too. Her name is Fransiska. I hate her so much,so do all of my classmates. It because she's so selfish. Nobody like her. Few minutes later two of my other friends,Vera and Tifany come and join us. "Wait! Let me guess. Someone will sit with her crush today!" Vera shouted. "Just shut up. I don't know what to do." I said. "Just act normal,don't show him that you're like him." Wanda said and Fany (a nickname from Tifany) nodded. The bell is ringing and we go into our class. Me,Fanny and Vera have a different class with Wanda. But her class is besides mine. Our teacher is come and he's smiling. "Okay students. As I said,I will rearrange our seats at class. Sort by all of your ranks. Started with the 1st rank who will sit with the 2st,the 3rd with the 4th and etc. So...okay let's see..." he said as he opened his paper. "Okay,the 1st till the 10th ranks,please go to a rear class." He said. Me,Jordy,Fransiska,Fany,and the others of the 10th ranks go and stand there. He put it countdown from the last rank.'s my turn and my heart start beating so fast. Jordy called first. "Jordy Anderson. Yes,that one." My teacher said as he pointing to the middle seat at the rear. He sat calmly. "Then...Tiara Sonita. Next to Jordy." MY teacher finally said. Fuck. "Aww!!" Vera shouted. "Aaawwee!!" All of my classmates yelled in unison. I couldn't help but I'm smile as I sit beside him. I don't know what's his react was cause I'm look down and not able to move. Fucking awkward. "Um...hey do you have a pen?" He asked to other friend. He will not ask me cause we still in awkward zone. "No." My friend simply answered. He asking the others but still nope. I opened my pencil case and saw there's two pens. Should I give him? How can I say the word? Ohh c'mon Tiara,it just a pen! What are you scared about? Just give him! "H-hey,I have two." I said as I give it to him. I look down for a while,too shy to see his face. But I finally look him at the eyes 2 second later. He gave me "you annoying" face. "Why don't you tell me earlier?" He said in his little laugh. Holy crap he's so cute and I'm drowning in his black eyes. "Sorry I didn't know that I have two." I said as I smiled. He started to draw something with that. Oh yes he doing another gravity drawing. He's so good at it. After that,we're not even talk till school finished. It was a awkward day ever. I come back to home and still can get him off of my mind till night. I can't stop remembering his eyes,his laugh,and smile. He's gorgeous. I got an insomnia because him. Great.

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