Forget Me Not

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Chapter 1 - Percy

You'd think that life in the spotlight would be fantastic, fun even. Well, you'd be wrong. So very wrong.

Singing may have it's perks but come on, I would appreciate not having to deal with a mob of screaming fans when I'm just simply trying to get groceries.

"Percy, Percy!" They yell my name, but I continue sprinting down the street.

"Sorry guys!" I shout back, giving an apologetic smile which only caused more and more screams to erupt from the rage of girls. It's nice to have so many supporters, but when they mob you all the time it just gets annoying.

"Keys, keys, keys. Where are my keys!" I fumbled with the bag around my shoulder, finally finding the one thing that would save me from some bruises in my near future. I jammed the key in the door and swung it open, slamming it shut quickly after I stumbled into my flat. I slid down the sleek wood, stained a dark red. It matched my mood; just plain dreadful.

"Perc?" I snapped my eyes upwards to find Kat, my best friend and band mate.

"Yep?" I put my normal happy, laid back persona back on and engaged her in conversation.

"Fans again?" She chuckled, flipping a strand of her caramel coloured hair out of her face. I simply sighed in reply.

"As much as I adore them, they drive me insa-"

"Percy, Percy! Give me some of your maple syrup!" Someone cried from outside the house, causing us both to burst out laughing.

"Is it because we're Canadian?" Kat gasped, inhaling sharply from her fits of laughter.

"I think so!" I giggled, slapping my knee. This brought my joy back to me. I love the fans, every last one of them. They're the reason that Forget Me Not, mine and Kat's band, is so popular. Unfortunately for us, tour starts up again tomorrow meaning I've got a heck of a lot of packing to do. I stopped laughing abruptly and groaned,

"I have to pack!"

"You haven't packed yet!?" Kat hissed, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"When do I ever pack? Shouldn't we have people for that?" I laughed, joking about fame was my way of coping with it. I still wasn't used to signing autographs on everything from books to cleavage.

"Go pack, weirdo." Kat shook her head and laughed, walking back over to the living room and plopping down on the couch.


"... Light up tooth brush, check. Shampoo and conditioner, check. Useless checklist with items that I know I've packed, check." I mumbled to myself, tossing my entire wardrobe into my suitcase. Once I'd somehow managed to shove every article of clothing that you could possibly imagine in it, I yanked the zipper around the box shape of the case allowing it to easily close.

"Done!" I said cheerily.

"Percy!" Kat yelled from the basement, where I had retreated from to go to my room up the stairs.


"Can I borrow one of your hoodies?" She asked sweetly, in an attempt to butter me up.

"Um... I may have packed them all..?" I said sheepishly.

"Did you pack everything, Perc?" She laughed, it vaguely agitated me that I could hear the smile in her voice.

"It's a likely possibility that I did..." I mumbled, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Oh, Percy. You never will change will you?"

"I certainly hope not!" I yelled, prancing back to my suitcase and grabbing it by the handle. I nearly took a tumble when it fell to the ground beside me, its weight catching me off guard. Everything that I had so diligently packed came spilling out.


"Percy I swear if you cuss..." Kat warned, I did have quite a potty mouth.


A loud, exasperated sigh escaped from the lower level of the house,

"It's better than your constant swearing!"

"You know you find it sexy babe." I smirked, chuckling lightly at her silence which I knew was from a mixture of shock and disgust.

"No." Was all she said. No.


The next morning

"Five more minutes!" Kat groaned at my alarm clock, who decided to wake us up at flipping 6 am?!

"Kat, you realize that yelling at the clock won't make it be quiet right?" She lifted her head up to see me, standing in the door frame. With two mugs in my hand, one with coffee for Kat and one with tea for yours truly.

"Tell me those cups are filled caffeine?" She mumbled, slamming her face back into the luxurious feather pillows that littered her bed. She was never one for waking up...

"Yup, I've got coffee-"

"You, Percy Everlynn, are a life saver." Kat interrupted me, running and snatching the thick, bitter liquid from my hand which caused my own tea to splash onto my face.

She burst out laughing but I didn't move, I very calmly stood there, staring daggers at her.

"I will break you." I seethed, dragging my hang from my forehead all the way down to my chin, allowing what used to be my morning dose of caffeine to drip down onto the floor.

"Good luck catching me!" Kat yelled, booking it down the stairs with mug-in-hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes then lunged in her direction, taking off. She hadn't gotten too far when I'd caught her. I tackled her to the ground, threatening to strangle her a few times before our manager walked through the door, excellent timing I might add.

"Girls..." She scolded us,

"Time to go."


(A/N): Hello everyone! Gracley(your lovely writer) here. Just wanted to thank you guys for taking the time to read this story, it means the world!

Don't forget to check out my other account @Niallscanadiangirl, I've got a preference book and another fanfic there as well. Hope you're enjoying so far(even though nothing's happened yet :P)

I promise it'll pick up some more once I develop the plot a little, so chill out potatoes :D

Live long, fall hard,

- xForgetMeNotx

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