Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Kat

Wednesday Night, After the Concert

After singing and rapping for the past four hours, not including the sound check, I was beat. I settled myself in bed, getting nice and comfy under the blankets. I like to think about every possible event that could've happened today. What if Niall tweeted me? Well, I'd probably freak out, scream maybe faint. I can see the look on Percy's face... Priceless! What if a giant polar bear jumped through the window right now and ripped-

"Kat!" My wonderful, wishful thinking was stopped in it's tracks by the shreiking voice of my band mate.

"Polar bears..?" I slurred, my mind still flooded with images of the animals of the arctic.

"No, Niall!"

"What?! Where?!" I yelled, shooting up so fast that I fell right out of bed and onto the floor,

"Ow!" I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head.

This is what that boy does to me... I thought to myself.

"Kat, Niall tweeted you!" Percy said frantically, I stood up straight to find her sitting on her bed, waving my phone above her head dramatically. My mind ran a million miles a minute, what did he say!?

I snatched the phone out of her hand and unlocked it as fast as humanly possible. With shaking hands, I read the tweet out loud;

"@KittyKat_Bardeen At least take me to dinner first! ;)"


"Holy shizlet, he sent you a winky face, Kat!" Percy squeaked, falling back on the bed.

"He did, didn't he?" I asked, smugly smirking to myself. Even though on the inside, my organs were going to explode and it was likely that I was going to bite Percy's head off from excitement, on the outside I remained calm cool and collected. One of the various techniques management taught Percy and I when we became celebrities.

"Yes he frikin' did!" Percy giggled, throwing her hands in the air happily,

"I so called that." She stated, continuing to chuckle to herself quietly.

My mind went blank, I guess the reality that the guy I'm flippin' in love with just tweeted me just set in or something because I was just gone for about five seconds, until the knock on the door just about made me jump out of my skin.


"On it!" She interrupted, jumping off the bed and onto the floor with a giant smack of her bare feet on the hardwood. She hummed the tune of our latest single 'Last Touch, First Goodbye' as she made her way to the door, skipping and twirling. She's so quirky, I love her for it.

She disappeared behind the wall that divided our bedroom and the main corridor of the room, and clicked the door open.

"Uh... Kat? You're going to want to see this..." She said in a worried tone, which made the hairs on my neck stand straight up. She only talked like that when something wasn't right or it was really serious. I cautiously made my way to Percy, following the same path that she took. My eyes barely had time to adjust before I saw what I can imagine would be Percy's dream;

Liam Payne was hugging my best friend.

"I didn't know you were coming over! Kat and I look absolutely horrid, we would've dressed properly." Percy said, obviously feeling insecure. Which wasn't unusual, it was often that I'd have to reassure her that she looked fine.

It was then that Liam took the opportunity to place a ghost of a kiss on her cheek, causing her cheeks to - you guessed it - blush.

"You look beautiful, but that isn't a rarity." He smiled genuinely. I cleared my throat, which made them both realize what they were doing and pull away from each other.

"Hold on a moment?" Liam asked politely, Percy and I both nodded our heads as he excused himself from our presence. I could've sworn I heard him whisper harshly to someone down the hall of the hotel 'Seriously, she's just standing there mate! You and I both know that we want to spend time with them!' Who the heck was he talking to?

"I don't want her to see me like this, what if I screw up?" Another voice whispered back, a little more harshly than Liam had. I could've sworn there was something familiar about it.

"Come on, Niall! If I can talk to Percy than you can make some sort of conversation with Kat too." Liam said back. Wait... Niall? Niall's here too?! Oh my gosh, Kat. Don't faint, don't faint. Percy pranced out the door and asked the question that seemed to be hanging in the air;

"Do you two want to come in?"


"Wait, so he actually threw his shoe at your face?" I burst out laughing at one of Niall's hilarious stories from when they's just been put into One Direction.

"Yeah, Lou wasn't too... Friendly that day." Niall explained, scratching the back of his neck and inhaling sharply. When the boys entered our hotel room, I had expected it to be awkward. Like really awkward, but that wasn't what happened at all. Liam and Percy got to talking by themselves, so Niall and I were hanging out.

Even though I had to remind myself countless times not to kiss him, I was having a blast sharing tales of our past years.

"He also smacked me right in the nose with a plate." Niall mumbled, pinching the bridge a his nose in discomfort. Another round of laughs came from my mouth, to be joined by Niall. His laugh was something to be admired, the way it filled the room. It only made me laugh harder, that's when I heard the vague chatting of Percy and Liam,

"I swear those lunatics are perfect for each other..."

"I know how you feel..."

I was perfectly happy in this moment, this is the moment I wanted to stay in. But I knew that Niall and I would never work, we came from the same world of fame and riches but it was because of this we could never be together. We would be on different schedules and wouldn't get any time to see each other.

And it broke my heart.

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